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Being Discovered Masturbating And The Sexy Fun Blackmail That Followed

Posted by: Age: 21 Posted on: 2 comments
0 likes 45 views Category: Sex Stories Fantasy Tags: male solo masturbation, exhibitionism, voyure, masturbation domination
This is part one of a four-part series  I will third-year college student who is discovered masturbating in the woods.  It is a completely fictional story.

I was horny as hell! And I knew that my  relief would only come when I could jack off and shoot a big load of my creamy spunk! Since I shared my cabin with other male students, there weren't opportunities to satisfy my deep primal need. I HAD BEEN MASTURBATING for 13 years and DAILY FOR 8.5 YEARS…going a week with no orgasm was challenging! I WAS SOO HORNY!


I  brought with me a tube of personal lubricant  (baby oil in those days)  for my masturbation break this warm summer morning. After breakfast It was already warm outside at a very comfortable 75°. Wearing only a pair of yellow cut off lycra shorts, and a fishnet tank top, I grabbed my backpack that had a blanket, a towel, Baby oil for lubrication and sunscreen. I left the bunkhouse area looking like I was off to go for a hike in the wonderful Saturday morning sun.

I decided to not bring a swimsuit, as I expected to have my favorite spot all to myself. I enjoyed the feeling of freedom that I got when I was nude outdoors!

When I got to my  favorite secluded spot, I  listened to the birds singing and basked in the smell of the fresh mountain air. I thought to myself, "Oh God, this place is so amazing. I'm blessed to be here...thank you GOD!"

Knowing why I was here, I felt my penis beginning to stir. I felt that familiar incredible urge/itch to masturbate! I looked up at the sun and figured it was about 11am. I stripped off my clothes and walked over to the creek’s edge to test the temperature. It felt refreshing so I sat down in the creek and I started leisurely stroking my cock. Thank you God! I really needed this! 



I was enjoying the scenery as I teased my cock It has been more than a week since I could masturbate leisurely and I didn't want to rush it. I glanced up at the sky.



There was  a majestic golden eagle soaring on the wind. “That's amazing!" I thought.

After the raptor flew out of sight I climbed out of the water and stretched out on a blanket. The warm summer sun soon dried my skin. I sunscreened up and I poured baby oil all over my cock! I was so horny! It was wonderful!  I just wanted to keep teasing myself in the warm sunshine for a bit. I made myself comfortable and continued stroking my cock. 



….  After about 40 minutes of teasing and stroking, and getting to the edge about 6 times, I decided to take a break so that I COULD EXTEND MY TIME OF PLEASURE! I closed my eyes and focused on how the warm sunshine felt all over my skin. It felt so nice, I felt so free, So open,  so honest. I felt so thankful to God for this beautiful surrounding in the fact that I was enjoying my cock and the warm sunshine on my body. I was so relaxed and at peace with myself and in a few minutes I fell asleep.



Apparently while I was sleeping 2 female hikers walked into my “private area”. As I woke up from my nap, I saw them approaching the edge of the boulder that I had come down. I saw them look down towards me. (The Boulder was about 35 to 40 feet up from me). The hikers saw that I was lying on a blanket... and that I was naked. I closed my eyes but positioned my head so that I could slightly open my eyes but still look like I was asleep, I wanted to look at them like I was still sleeping! I heard later that they liked this view...a lot!

They sat down on the boulder giggling and pointing at me. That’s when I pretended to wake up (I heard the giggles). As I began to open my eyes I watched (out of my peripheral vision), the girls using their cell phones to take photos of me. I watched them smile and point. One girl increased the zoom to maximum and took close up photos of my cock and balls (I know this because they  showed me but I will get to that later).



I tilted my head to the side so I was facing towards them keeping my eyes mostly shut so it looked like I was dozing off again. I could tell that the girls wanted a closer look. I could tell that they didn't want to risk being seen from how they were moving and shushing each other. I watch them put their phones back inside a day pack and walk along the right edge of the boulder, and then down  the 30-40 feet to the valley floor the same way I had come down to the stream. When they reached the valley floor, they headed towards a stand of Douglas Fir trees that were about fifteen feet away from where “I was sleeping”. They found a large tree to hide behind, which was about two and one half feet in diameter at the trunk. “This should be close enough so we won't be seen but still close enough to spy on the sleeping naked man”. I heard one of them say. I acted like I was snoring to keep the fun going. 




When they got settled I watched their eyes peer back to my hardening cock. As they continued to stare and point, the excitement had my “semi” starting to grow in thickness and length. I was so turned on by Being seen naked by clearly “wanting to see me voyeurs”.  A minute later my cock had hardened to my very respectable 7 inches long and 5 ½ inches around. “I think they call that "morning wood," one girl giggled. I saw them snapping  more “close up” pictures of my beautiful rock hard cock and giggling softly so as not to “wake me”. 




I decided to have some fun with them and acted like I woke up stretching and yawning. I sat up and began massaging my balls. A short time later I started to deliberately moan loud enough for them to hear as I was watching my wonderful hard cock  bob and bounce! I was so turned on! I would give them a show (while they continued to think I didn’t know they were there).




"Oh God thank you for my hard cock! It feels so nice! That feels so good!" I moaned loudly as I massaged my cock and balls tenderly!   My cock  was fully hard now and oozing precum!  I stood up and went to lean against a rock in the creek. facing the girls that was about 5 feet closer to where they were hiding. I moved very slowly stroking my cock as I walked so as they had an opportunity to adjust their hiding and not be seen. Then I reached down with the index finger and thumb of my left hand and wrapped them around the base of my scrotum, forcing my testicles down into my sack (if I kept them low I could delay my orgasm I thought).  I reached down with my right hand and started gently teasing the head of my bobbing cock. “Oooooooh this is amazing!” I moaned.




I looked over toward the tree and caught one girl holding what looked like a pink flashlight. I slyly watched  as she pushed the rounded tip of the flashlight against her slit, and then slowly shoved it up inside of her (She had pulled her shorts down to her knees I could see one leg and her vagina the rest of her was behind the big tree). Watching her masturbate to me masturbating had me sooo hot!  I desperately wanted to keep watching her, but I realized that she might figure out that I was looking at her, so I  decided to be cool and mostly just watch myself masturbating, with an occasional glances toward the tree 




I  relaxed for a couple of minutes, while I thought about the girls  “hiding in the woods” now 10 feet  in front of me, watching me play with my cock and balls!  I loved the idea of them watching me, getting all excited enough to masturbate!  I could hear her pink flashlight vibrate until she came again and again (I could tell by the soft moans and flexing leg muscles)! I could not see any of the second girl but I watched the “flashlight” get passed to her.



I wanted to cum! But it was too soon to cum! I didn't want this sexy scene to end. I started moving my fingers on the underside of my shaft. I moved my hand slowly up and down, stimulating myself. I gave special attention to the head of my excited cock, and the very sensitive spot just below it! “Ummmmm that’s so wonderful,” I groaned. I loved watching my cock receive the pleasure of my hands! It was so hot being turned on by what was turning them on!



I started moaning loudly, “Yes…yes… YES! Using both hands, I placed a thumb on each side of the crown of my cock head and moved my thumbs apart and pushed down.  At the same time I rubbed my sweet P spot near my anus with the finger of my  index finger.



I yelled out, "Yes that's it! Right there, yes! Please don't stop!" as if I was talking to a person who was giving me  pleasure and not myself.


I stopped teasing myself with my second hand and leaned back against the rock while still lightly stroking my cock.


I knew I was really close now. I grabbed my oil, and squirted a generous amount on the head of my cock. I made a ring shape with my right hand by touching the tip of my index finger to the tip of my thumb. I slowly  placed the "ring" over the head of my cock. Then I pulled down firmly and slowly with my hand, moving slowly down my  shaft. When I reached the base my cock looked huge! I’d rub my ball with my other three fingers each time I got to the bottom of my cock. Then I  loosened my grip and brought my hand slowly back up my hard shaft. I repeated this motion several times, with each one bringing more pleasurable sensations. ”Oh yes! You really know how to please your cock Steve,” I moaned.



Then I brought my other hand up to my cock, formed a ring, and stroked down tickling my balls again. I moved my hands in a pattern, where one hand was always moving down my shaft. When one hand reached the bottom I would start stroking down with his other hand. The downward motion stretched the skin on my cock head. I imagined that it felt like I was pushing my cock into a tight wet pussy, with the woman's internal muscles firmly gripping me. The constant stimulation helped me imagine that I was pushing my cock into a never-ending cunt. I looked down at my massive manhood. It's veiny glistening hardness has always turned me on. But in this moment, I looked extra huge and extra excited!


I felt like my cock would explode at any second. I pulled my right hand away, and stood up to give them a better view. I  continued to “thrust into” my hand like it was an “inviting pussy”. Now I was stroking (more like pumping my hips into my hand) the girls had an unobstructed view. I quickened my pace and began to stroke my shaft in addition to thrusting my hips like a man possessed! All the muscles in my arms chest, hips and legs were flexing as I thrust my cock into my hand!

After a few seconds yelled out, "Oh God, oh God! Ahhhhh!!!!"


I “got off” stroking down very slowly, with a firm grip. The head of my cock turned bright purple. I could feel my prostate starting to spasm! I thought about the girls watching me. The thought of them masturbating while they watched me ejaculate pushed me over the edge. I looked up at the sky and shut my eyes.



I screamed, "This feels so good! I hope you like it too!"



 I looked back down at myself, I watched A six-inch strand of thick white semen spurted out of my slit and onto the grass in front of me. I continued stroking myself, and several more strands of sticky white cream spurted out. I loosened my grip but continued to gently stroke myself for a few more seconds until my breathing returned to normal. I opened my eyes and looked up at the deep blue sky. I re-experienced a feeling of well being and contentment that always flooded over me after an orgasm, and I felt totally relaxed, and wonderfully alive! I squeezed the head of my penis, forcing out the last drops. Then I laid back down in the warm sunshine! 




That's when it happened, I heard very loud moaning and orgasmic screams like both of the girls were enjoying mind blowing ecstasy! There was no way they didn’t want me to know of their presence! 



Within a minute or two they appeared from around the tree fully clothed. I recognized both of them as other students in the summer class I was taking at Pingree Park through CSU. I am still lounging naked with a relaxed cock and a smile! Before I could say anything the dark haired girl said in a sexy voice, “Thanks for the sexy show! Your body and cock are beautiful!”


“From your moaning and screaming I guess you liked watching me as much as I liked being watched by you,“ I said smiling in a provocative way. 


“Just being honest, we took lots of pictures. lots of close-ups of your hard cock, and lots of full body shots.  You are sexy!” 

The other girl chimed in, “We …at least I will masturbate to the pictures we took for a long long time! Maybe even together like we did today!”

“I am flattered ladies” Please enjoy them all you want! Please masturbate to them all you want! It makes me feel so complemented knowing that you love the look of my body and cock so much that you masturbated while watching me masturbate today, and that you'll do it again! I smiled, “I am hoping that you will keep them between us? I want to be a teacher and naked pictures of me masturbating, although not illegal, could hurt my chances of getting a job. Enjoy them all you want but please, please, don't put them on the internet. We live in the age where I’m pretty sure school systems check your online presence.” I smiled again in a hopeful way. 

“You know you could make lots of money stripping for people and jerking off for them ... .lots more than teaching pays,” they giggled. “Wow, thanks for that compliment, so you will keep the pictures private?” I asked nervously. I absolutely loved masturbating for these girls. It was HOT! I really enjoyed myself completely because they were so turned on by me. I however didn’t think ahead about what It could mean for my teaching career ... .ugggggg. I realized that I was at their mercy when it came to the pictures they took.. 

The dark haired girl said, “Well we can work out an agreement if you do what we want you to do for us,” and she smiled.

The other girl said, “Give us your number,” so I did. In minutes  my phone was flooded with pictures of me jerking off and close-ups of my hard cock.



“Just proving we have some power here,” the dark haired girl said. 



I suddenly felt very vulnerable and stood up to get my clothes on.

“What are you doing?” the brunette questioned.

“Getting dressed.” 

“Did we say you could get dressed?”


“If you do what we want you to do for the rest of the summer course, we promise we will not publish the pictures, if you don’t comply we will definitely post them with your name on them.”

“Doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice”, I replied.  “May I ask what your names are? We have not been formally introduced?”

“We know you are Steve and our names to you will be madam X and madam Y ... do you understand?” they playfully bantered.

“Yes madams X and Y.  Put us in your phone that way. Anytime we text you you must respond and obey…do you understand?”

“Yes madams X and Y,” I responded. There was something about this set up that seemed playful and safe…there was no reason for them to hurt my career just because they got off watching me masturbate, I reasoned with myself. The experience was a good, and very fun thing for all of us, I continued thinking. I for sure would not give them any reason to turn on me I thought. I was a little worried that they would post these pictures that could hurt my career, but they seemed too kind to do that to me. Honestly I think I was more turned-on being “blackmailed” to do whatever they said. My cock started to get hard again thinking about being in this wonderful vulnerable position with them. I decided then and there that I would happily play along… maybe more of my exhibitionistic fantasies would be fulfilled?

“You told me not to get dressed, is there anything you would rather I do?” I submitted. 

“We want you to jerk off for us again and jerk off the way we tell you to,” Madam X giggled and smiled. Madam Y was smiling and nodding her head in agreement. My cock started to bob and bounce with their requests  (I guess I wanted this as much as they did ). “Grab that cock and tease it for us.”  I obeyed.


“Madams ….Is this acceptable?” I asked as I began to seductively stroke my cock. “I want you to tease your cock with flowers that are on that bush and  rub your nipples with your hand,” Madam X yelled.


“Oh yes, be compliant Steve, you will do what we tell you, do you understand?” Madam X said with authority.

“Yes madams,” this experience was getting better and better! I thought.  I was so aroused being bossed around by these girls! 

“Now tickle your balls with those flowers,” Madam Y chimed in.

“I want you to cum using only the flowers to stimulate your cock and balls!” 

I obediently responded by using only the flowers to rub my Nipples and my excited and bouncing cock.



“I'm so sorry madam Y, the flowers alone, although very arousing, will not be enough stimulation to make me cum,” I whimpered back. 



“Okay Stevo, you can use one hand as well,” 



“Oh thank you madam Y,” I responded, as I grabbed my excited cock and began to stroke it and moan! 



“It's time for you to shoot your wad,” Madam  yelled. “Do whatever you have to do to make your cum fly, but I want to see that beautiful body flexing and writhing in pleasure for at least 5 minutes before you come! Do you understand? I’m starting a stop watch now.”

“Yes madam X,” I moaned back.

I reached back with my left hand and grabbed my muscular butt. As I rubbed my butt my legs began to twitch! My pecs are twitching, my shoulder muscles are flexing and I begin to moan! I was so close to orgasm that my muscles were beginning to jerk uncontrollably. But I had spent so much time in my life by now edging to heightened pleasure while not cumming, that I could easily “hold on” for five more minutes.

“I love doing this for you madams,” I moaned back to them between pleasure sighs! I began to take a step forward towards them, I thought that if I got close to them maybe they would finish me off with their hands.

Two steps later, they both put their hands out. “Stop!” they both yelled. “This arrangement is a non-touching arrangement! Do you understand?”

“Yes madams,” I responded. I was disappointed that they didn’t want to touch me, yet still extremely excited to indulge my exhibitionism so outwardly and honestly in their presence.

“It is time for you to finish up and when you finish up we want you to speak out loud everything that you are thinking, do you understand? You may only direct your comments to yourself like you did earlier,” commanded madam Y.

So I began to pick up my pace and stroke my cock harder, and faster, moaning and talking to myself:

“Oh God thank you for my cock, thank you for orgasms, thank you for people who enjoy my body as much as I do!” I shouted!

“My beloved cock , I love you, you're my best friend, you make me feel so good, you always give me pleasure!” I groaned as I looked down at my beautiful manly cock!

“You, my wonderful hard cock, are sexy, manly, veiny, strong, intense, and I love you so much my dear wonderful cock!” I picked up my pace and I was so close! I wanted so bad and so desperately to shoot my cum onto the grass in front of these admiring beautiful women! The colors melded together as I pumped my cock furiously!


“Thank you God so much I love this body and cock you gave me! Thank you so much for this beautiful wonderful pleasure!" “Okay you can come now,” madam X yelled in excitement. Ha….ha….ha! My body muscles flexed and twitched as I shot my cum into the air watching it land on the grass right in front of their feet. I kept on stroking my cock and milking every bit of cum out of it!


The girls began to clap and cheer. “That was spectacular and hot as hell!” Madam X Yelled as I saw her fingers in her own shorts massaging her own clit and pussy! Madam Y Had her hands inside of her bra massaging her nipples and moaning as well. That site was enough to keep my cock hard as I continue to stroke it tenderly watching them pleasure their bodies through their clothes.

“Well, Steve O'slave, that was 8 minutes and it will be enough for today. You are excused! We will be in contact within a few days with instructions for your next “Show”. Do not address us or try to find out our names as we were in classes together this summer Do you understand?”

With that, they turned around and began to walk back up the hill over the rock from where we all came. 

I look down at my cock as it was still hard, and reaffirmed my love for it with a smile. I began to turn my attention to my clothes and my backpack. I started to get everything together,  my cock had lost its erection, so I lovingly put my pleasure soldier back into my clothes with a squeeze and I lovingly brushed my nipple one more time. I found out that my body was done being aroused  for the moment and I had a feeling of complete satisfaction. Sexually spent, I knew it was time to go back to the cabin.






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