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Auntie Claire and Uncle Jim

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Innocent dating turns more and more erotic.

This is a story one of my wife's aunties told her - no doubt after a few glasses of wine -  about what she and her husband were up to when they were dating. I try to reproduce it as my wife told me, only changing the names for privacy.

I’d never realized that Jim fancied me until one of the girls in my class told me that he thought I looked like an angel. I did not consider myself anything but an average girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, narrow face and boring personality. No boy had ever wanted to go out with me, so of course I appreciated the complement. Afterwards I kept an eye on him surreptitiously and I noticed the way he looked at me. Indeed I noticed his eyes lit up whenever I glanced at him. He was shy though so he often looked away, trying to hide his interest. By chance though we ended up meeting regularly - he was in my French class and we sat next to each other. He was much better at the language. His granddad was French and he picked up quite a lot when he was a child.

After a while his confidence grew and he walked me home under the excuse of improving my French although we always stuck to English. I wasn’t sure if I liked him that much but he was very sweet. From our conversation an interesting picture emerged, with a fair bit of discrepancy between how he saw me and what I was really like. He thought I was devoutly religious (in reality my parents went to church and dragged me along), very pure (not true of my thoughts, only of my voice, as I sang in the school choir) and innocent (hmm, yes, I had discovered my clitoris when I was fourteen). 

One day he surprised me with a little present - somehow he found out when my birthday was and bought me, of all things, a pineapple. I was touched by this mixture of kindness and bizarre choice, so when we said goodbye, I kissed him on the cheek. He was so speechless and totally delighted and looked at me with puppy eyes, I suddenly felt quite attracted to him. He asked me if he could be my boyfriend and I said yes.

Afterwards our goodbye kisses became regular and after a few weeks turned into proper kisses, although there was still an element of innocence about them. I must admit by now I had hoped he would make further advances but, since his image of me was of a demure maid, I thought better of encouraging him. I was starting to wonder if our relationship would stall at this level but then one day as we were kissing he gently slid one of his hands up my dress and touched my boob. 

At this point I was unsure what to do; I felt intense pleasure but I didn’t want to destroy the idea he had fostered of me. So I didn't stop him but remained passive. My lack of action was however somewhat balanced out by my boobs getting hard and my nipples erect, which he must have felt under his hand. But I didn’t show any outwardly sign of passion. Still, it was progress!

It took him quite a few weeks of regularly resting his hand on my boobs before making the next move. We were kissing again and he slowly slid his hand up my skirt. My heart was pounding; I was really hoping he would adventure further. His hand stroked my thighs and then he put his middle finger on my panties and touched my pussy through the fabric. 

The feeling was wonderful although I froze a bit. I was full of conflicting emotions. I didn’t want to appear easy and I had a feeling he was turned on by my passivity but I was aching for him to touch me properly. To make matters more complicated I felt I was getting very wet. I knew it would soak through my panties and he would be going home with the scent of my pussy on his fingers. Embarrassing. Would that put him off? I could only hope it would turn him on. Jim was by now breathing quite heavily, so I decided this was enough for a day and we said goodbyes. Sure enough, he slipped his hand up my skirt the following day. Great, he was into the game!

All these adventures took place in front of our house, on the veranda, under the discrete cover of late evening darkness but there was no way we would be able to take matters further. Besides, we had to be careful. This was the seventies and getting pregnant was out of the question. There was only so much we could do.

Then the opportunity emerged: my parents were out for the evening attending some church event and I was going to be on my own. Jim and I went to see a movie and when we got home, I asked him if he wanted to come in. We went upstairs and kissed. Things were hotting up with his hand exploring my pussy, still through my panties though. Then he went a bit further and slipped his finger underneath and I felt this was the time. 

“Do you want to be naked?”, I whispered in his ear.

“Oh... Yes, please.”, His voice trembled.

“OK, but only in the dark”, ” I said, like girl guarding her modesty should suggest. So we turned the lights off and undressed. There was only a bit of stray light coming in from the outside. He can’t have seen much of me but as he took his pants off, I could just about see his erect penis.

We lay next to each other on my bed, kissing. Then he touched me and ran his finger down my bush and after some hesitation he touched my clitoris. He was very careful and I knew he wasn’t sure what to do. So I made a quiet, happy “Mmmm” sound to let him know he was on target. He started circling it with his finger and I was in heaven. I wished he had put another finger inside me (whenever I took care of myself I had one finger inside me and another rubbing my clitoris) but never mind, he’ll learn, I thought. It was still wonderful and I was getting closer and closer. When I reached orgasm I felt like crying out but I held back so there was just a muffled squeak before I collapsed.

Oh my God, I thought, it had happened! I was jilled off by a boy! I was a real woman now, well almost. 

Once I came round, I thought of Jim and I wanted to do something for him. I reached out on the bed and stroked his tummy, then ventured down and gently touched his penis. It felt nice and hard and the head was so incredibly smooth. At this point I realized I wasn’t sure what to do myself, but I imagined what would happen if his penis was inside me, so I gently wrapped my fingers round the shaft and moved it up and down.

I wasn’t quite prepared for what happened next. Jim’s body tensed up, went into a spasm, then he let out a groan. His penis starting jerking. Something shot past me and hit the headboard, then a blob came and landed on my chin, then others sprayed over my boobs and tummy. I thought “Oh my God!”. Then, almost immediately a scary thought popped up: my parents! They might be home any time now. It’s OK for them to find me in polite conversation with a boy downstairs but if they find me covered in sperm, I am toast!

Jim must have realized the gravity of what had happened too because he sat up and said: 

”Oh, Claire, I’m so sorry...”

“You’ve got to go home now!”, I shouted, perhaps more angrily than I should have 

“Quick, get dressed.”

“Oh, Claire, I’m so sorry!” - He was already putting his clothes on, rather hastily.

“Just go”, I said, almost pushing him out of my room.

He left as fast as he could, apologizing profusely. I cleaned up as much as I could, opened the window - there was a distinct smell of both my pussy and his sperm in the air - and did my best the restore order. I was lucky. By the time my parents go home, everything was back to normal and they didn’t suspect anything untoward.

I went to bed that night with a weird thoughts. I kept remembering the feeling of Jim’s hard penis and the way he spurted. I found a spot on my bed that had a feint smell of his sperm and the musty, heavy smell was nothing like I had smelt before. Then I imagined him entering me, his hard cock pushing my pussy lips apart, his hard rod filling me in, then thrusting in me, even him spurting his seed inside me (would I feel it?, I wondered).  The thoughts were exciting and I ended up rubbing myself to orgasm several times that night.

The next day I saw Jim again and he looked very sheepish. He put a note on my desk with “Sorry”, with drawings of hearts. I wasn’t really cross with him of course. More than that, I wanted to do it again. His remorseful state gave me an idea. I kept cool and distant and waited for him to approach me.

He finally mustered up the courage and came over.

“Clair, I’m so sorry”.

“Hmm, OK.”

“Are you angry with me?”

“You left me in a right mess, you know! I didn’t expect that. You have to show me what happens when a boy... you know... so that I know.”

So somehow I managed to get the message across that he had to give me a demo. Jim looked worried.

The opportunity came a few weeks later on a Saturday afternoon, which, as luck would have it, my parents had a church group gathering. Jim came over, we listened to some music and even danced. Then kissing started and soon we were both quite excited.

“Come on, show me what happened then”, I whispered in his ear.

He looked unsure. 

“Claire, I feel so embarrassed. I can’t”

“OK”, I considered my options, “How about this. You can watch me naked while you’re doing it.”

To show him I meant it I sat on my bed and pulled my dress up. This was only a promise of things to come as I was wearing panties of course.

“So.. shall we both get naked?”

He hesitated. Then he said OK.

I turned off everything but a small bedside lamp and we both got undressed. I sat on my bed, with my back against the headboard, took my panties off and pulled up my legs. I’m not sure how much he saw because of my bush but I was excited and I assumed that at least he would see the pink slit.

Exposing my privates encouraged him. Still somewhat hesitantly he dropped his pants. His penis darted out, semi-erect. He wrapped his fingers round the shaft and started stroking. I had a good look - it was fascinating. I had never seen the action, so it took me a while to realizes how boys were pleasuring themselves. He was rolling his foreskin back and forth. When he pulled it back, the bulbous shape of the top of his penis emerged and when he rolled it forward, it seemed to disappear shyly under a hood. 

I was trying to remain, as much as I could, passive and pretend that I was driven by curiosity rather than lust but I realized my body was letting me down. I got so excited my pussy opened up like a flower and I was sure Jim saw it too.  His breathing was short and the look on his face was almost painful. At this point I felt I had two options: I was either going to spend the rest of the evening screaming in frustration or I had to take care of myself. There wasn’t much choice. I reached down and touched my clit. It felt hard and swollen. I started circling my fingers round it. Just then Jim let out a deep groan and a large blob of sperm spurted out from his penis, making an arch across the room and landing on the rug with an audible spraying noise. Then another one and another one, in a smaller arch. Almost immediately I came too, making some muffled noises and drenching the blanket I was sitting on.

When we came round, we were panting. We crashed out on the bed, lying next to each other. 

“Oh, Claire”, muttered Jim. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I stayed silent. We were worn out and spent, physically and emotionally.

What we did that evening opened up the floodgates. Afterwards Jim and I took the chance whenever we could to be together. 

Although I wanted nothing more than making love to him, we couldn’t risk pregnancy so we did the next best thing we could. We tried all possibilities. Jim would rub me off, I would jack him off, we would do it in front of each other, we would masturbate each other. We got to know each other’s body really well. 

The next year we graduated and went to college. Jim did engineering and I tried an English course but I dropped out and I was in a bad shape for a year. Jim kept visiting me and we stayed together, even though it must have been hard for him. Somehow we pulled through it and now, many years later we are still together, married with two daughters. 



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