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Are Girls More Confident Than Boys?

Posted by: Age: 15 at the time Posted on: 13 comments
14 likes 18 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Skinny-dipping, first fumblings

Are we more confident than boys? I wonder. For example…

If I get horny…and I mean really horny…there’s very little to see on the outside. If, as I was at the time, I was wearing a full-on swimming costume, ( which was wet from the water anyway) no-one could tell I was wet for other reasons. Nipples hard? Well, yes, but us members of the Tiny Titty Brigade don’t show that much, and the costume keeps things under control.


Ah…but boys? It’s hard to hide an erection in a pair of speedos, and impossible to hide it in shorts! If, as a teenage girl, you’re with a group of teenage boys, you can tell their arousal state by their reluctance to leave the water! 



But what of skinny-dipping? What then? I found it happened in phases…at least among us girls. We’d go topless first. That alone caused the boys we were with to head out into deeper water. It couldn’t be funny, actually, if the water was cold, to see them shivering away, yet not daring to emerge! 



But the day would come when skinny-dipping meant skinny-dipping!. The boys would literally tear their clothes off and splash into the water, be it a heated pool, or the sea or a river. Then they’d wait for us, copping an eyeful as they waited. We would undress and dive/walk into the water, and there would be some general horsing around, with both genders copping feels as they went.



Be in NO doubt….we were every bit as much turned on as the boys….the only advantage being, we could get out any time and it simply didn’t show! The boys, however, too the piss out of each other…”Last one out’s got a hard on!” 



The goofing around did get more intense as that particular summer wore on. There would be use rubbing boys off underwater, and they would attempt (somewhat clumsily) to finger us off too….sometimes needing some help from us to show them what was where. 



There was one boy…Simon….he was younger in that while we were mid to late 15, he was at the early end of the year. His sister, Michelle was the same age, and yet when Simon got his hand between my legs it was quickly obvious that he knew exactly what was where. After a second or two he had my clit and my hole. (Remember, my hymen and I had parted company by this time.) And I can tell you, he really knew how to finger a girl. He knew when one finger was enough, when two were required, and also how to curl his fingers forward in that ‘come here’ gesture that works so well on g-spots. Simon did not have, nor had had a girlfriend up to that point, and yet….and yet, as they say in the movie ‘Dune’, “He shall know your ways as if born to them.” 



Even back then, I wondered if there hadn’t been a little exploration between Simon and his sister. They lived a fair way out of the village in an isolated cottage. Simon was something of a loner, and we knew he had not had a girlfriend….so where did this expertise come from. 



(I was to find out much later that Simon and Michelle had indeed fooled around.) 



All I can say is thank God for salt water and chlorinated pools being hostile to sperm, because if they weren’t, I have no doubt we would all have ended up pregnant! 



We went from splashing around at the beginning, to trying to duck one another, to fumbling around cocks, boobs and vulvas, to overt mutual masturbation. By the end of that summer, some of us had even progressed to rubbing against one another, usually from behind. A boy might hug one of us from behind, his hard cock between our bum cheeks, or we might straddle a boy’s thigh. The bravest of us (oddly, NOT me) might do it face-to-face, allowing a boy to put his cock between our thighs from the front, though most definitely NOT inside us! (We called that ‘humpy-fucks’.)



I suppose it was all part of sexual discovery, and, being bi, I rather enjoyed it. 



But then, I was bi-sexual. By then, I knew I liked girls! So, a little girl/girl groping then? Oh please…what do you think? Of course I did…but only with Michelle. Michelle was, well, if not definitely strange, then certainly a little odd….a little off-centre. Not enough for us to reject her from our social group - she could be a good laugh - but she was, let’s say, ‘wise beyond her years.’ I was convinced she was sexually advanced….and equally convinced that she had goofed around with her brother….but something suggested to me that, even if she hadn’t actually tried it yet, she would be up for a little g/g action. 



So, in the huddles and the groups splashing around, I fondled her bum a few times, and in such a way that a) she knew it was me, and b) she knew I was being sexual. The response was immediate. Her hand reached backwards and she gave me a lovely, although very brief rub between my legs. 



When a group of teenagers are goofing around, you have to be careful, stand still too long and jeers rise up. “Ewww…look….Martin and Deirdre are fucking.” Protestations of innocence follow, accompanied by a way-too-hasty distancing of them from one another. 



A cluster of girls standing together, doesn’t seem to attract this reaction. So while the girls were standing close together, and the boys were in a group together, and we were discussing a game of water-polo, and what the rules would be, Michelle again reached back and fingered me, this time making me cum. It was easy for me to reach forward between her thighs and finger her from behind. No hymen just a very well-lubricated hole. 



I felt her cum around my fingers which is always delightful, and has lost none of its magic over the years. 



Teenagers, and their journey of discovery….the innocence, and the not-so-innocence of it. 




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