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Apology from 13-Year-Old Brother

Posted by: Age: 15 at the time Posted on: 7 comments
19 likes 4244 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: brother, masturbation, family
Another story from a client. This one is kind of a prodigy, and my youngest client.

Last year, when I was 15, my dang-blasted 13-year-old brother, who I love deeply, but who used to flummox me at every turn, borrowed the front quick release mechanism from my bike - and didn't tell me. Later that day, I rode my bike out of the garage, got about 20 feet down the driveway, and crashed all over the place as my front wheel lodged sideways in the fork. I bruised the back of my right hand, but otherwise wasn't really hurt. But I was mad. It took me like ten seconds to figure out what had happened.

I came gunning for Kent. I think I was actually planning to hurt him. The thought pains me now, but in that very moment, I was not feeling brotherly at all!

I found him in his bedroom playing Nintendo stark naked. It was a warm day, and my parents, who are actually rather wealthy, would not let us turn up the air conditioning. They are kind of funny about spending money. Anyway...

There he was in his room, nude as usual, as was our custom. Our parents were fine with that. We've all seen each other naked many times, even with boners. Well, not my mother, of course. But Kent, I, and my dad have all sported wood at one time or another, and it's fine. My parents have had the 'birds and bees' talks with us, and I think they know I masturbate, which is OK with me, but kind of embarrassing to think about in a way. I've never seen them do anything sexual, although I'm sure they must - in their bedroom or somewhere, I guess. They do hug and kiss a lot. I mean a real lot!

And Kent was there with his little hairless three-inch woodie sticking straight up from his cross-legged sitting position on the floor, looking kind of well, cute, innocent? As I've done some times in the past when I have been mad at him, I melted. I couldn't yell at him as I was planning. In fact, my mouth was already open, and I had been rehearsing some choice words as I stepped through his open doorway. But instead, I just showed him the small damage on the back of my hand without a word.

He knew right away what had happened. He said, "Oh, oh, I meant to tell you that I had borrowed that bike part."

I don't know if it was his erection and his all-smooth little self that did this to me, or just what, but I was somehow a bit horned up. And you know how you'll make inappropriate jokes, or generally make a fool of yourself if you are too horny. So, foolishly, I said, "Kent, now I can't jerk off," even though the damage to my hand was insignificant.

I guess it wasn't too embarrassing for saying that, really. He had caught me in the act two or three times although he had never seen me actually ejaculate. And I had seen him playing with himself, although not actually masturbating in the classic sense. I don't think he had ever really done that yet, and hadn't been able to ejaculate.

Kent, being the little angel he is, immediately said, "Jamie, I apologize! And don't worry about the jerking off problem. I'll jerk you off!"

I was flabbergasted. Not flummoxed, for a change! So I took off my shorts, climbed onto his bed, and he did.

I wasn't concerned in the slightest about taking my shorts off in front of him. But, as I reclined on top of his bedspread, and started to get erect, I started to feel kind of 'funny.' I can't quite explain it. It was some sort of cross between embarrassment and pride. Like, 'should I be growing a boner in front of my little brother?'

But, I really liked the moment he wrapped his rather tiny hand around my dick. It immediately felt warm, and, well... right. I was proud of how large my penis was compared to his. I usually didn't care much for the small tuft of dark brown hairs growing around the base of my penis, but in that moment, I was very happy for him to see the hairs up close. He started squishing my balls around, and I had to tell him to stop that. It felt almost on the verge of pain, as he was squeezing just a bit too hard, even though I didn't lose my erection in the slightest. Then, he started wanking me up and down, and I had to tell him to slow down. He thought he had to go like a hundred miles per hour. First of all, I wanted it to last at least a couple of minutes. But also, he was pulling on the skin too hard, and it kind of pinched. After I showed him what to do, he became an empathetic genius. It's almost as if he naturally knew exactly how to make me feel just right. I spurted much too soon.

When I came, he was fascinated by my sperm as it poured out all over his small fist. I don't think he had ever seen a real, live ejaculation up close, or at all. Perhaps on the Internet, I don't know.

Then, I did him. I found his little marble-like testicles in his evenly patterned snow-white scrotum fascinating. I was worried about squeezing them too hard, but he actually wanted me to massage them rather firmly. His penis was surprisingly small, but also surprisingly solid. Also warm. I moved his slight foreskin (circumcised, like me - my parents are Jewish, but we don't go to Temple very often) up and down gently at first, and eventually worked my way into full-on stroking. Because his dick was so small, I didn't wrap my fist around it, but rather held it between thumb and forefinger. This went on for a while, then he said 'Oh, keep doing that!" He then squirmed around quite a bit. He didn't cum, but I think he orgasmed. He said he did. He also said he had felt that once or twice before, but never as 'excellent' as that, as he called it. At the time, I wasn't even sure if he knew what an orgasm was. Was he faking, just to make me feel like I had done something good for him? Or, was he really feeling an honest-to-goodness orgasm? I really couldn't tell. Over the next few days, I became very curious about that.

A few days later, very much wondering about his evident inability to produce sperm yet, I carefully crafted a conversation around what had happened, hoping I could somehow talk him into doing it again. In like two seconds, he told me that HE wanted to do it again. Well, that was ALRIGHT with me!

With him laying on top of his bedspread, I jerked him off while pressing my first two fingers against his perineum, the area between his anus and under his scrotum, and after a few minutes, while watching his face scrunch all up, I felt the contractions. That's when I knew he was having as much fun as I was. After he came, I smelled my fingers which had been so near his ass, and to my astonishment, they smelled sweet. A very nice smell.

We have since jerked each other off many times. We have learned much from Solotouch, including about prostate massage, and have been practicing that. My parents have a strict Internet policy. They say we can study as much 'sex' as we want on the Internet, but only from two sources. One is Wikipedia, the other is Solotouch. Although they're too tight with money, we love our parents, so we pretty much always respect their wishes.

Regarding the prostate massage, at first we didn't know that you should use some sort of oil, and so it was difficult at first, but still enjoyable. Now, we use coconut oil and we're old pros at it. His ass still smells sweet, especially combined with the coconut oil.

Recently, Kent has developed like three hairs coming out of the intersection of his penis and lower belly above his little balls. He also sort of ejaculates now. Oh, it's only one little clear drip, but it's progress!



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