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Anna Goes For A Ride

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 8 comments
12 likes 39 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Orgasms, motorcycle orgasms

Teenage girls love horses. God, in His infinite wisdom made horses exactly the right shape to make us spread our legs precisely wide enough to pull our panties and jodhpurs tight against our clits, and made saddles the perfect shape to apply just the right pressure in just the right place. He also designed horses to move in such a way its like being masturbated by a huge hand.


God didn't do too badly with motorcycles either.


My dad was heartily opposed to either of us owning or riding a motorcycle. A doctor friend of his - a pathologist - had told him that motorcyclists are referred to as 'donors' in the medical profession, and my friend Tig told me that fracture dislocations of the neck are a common cause of death.


Still, Allan owns a fantastically loud beast called a "Victory." You feel the roar of the exhaust in your stomach, but that is nothing to what you feel riding pilion on it! 



Allen pestered me to go for a ride. I'm not keen, for the reasons stated above, but it meant a lot to him, so, since he'd actually gone to the trouble and expense of buying me a set of leathers and a crash helmet that had a radio device built in so I could talk to him, I felt I had little choice. 



I knew I was in trouble as soon as he started the engine. The vibrations, which, let me tell you, were immense, went right to my clit, and I felt myself wetting up before - long before - we even got to the end of my driveway. 



Out on the open road - oh dear! The buzz increased to a high-frequency clit pounding, and Allan was chuckling away in my ear. "So, how're you feeling?" 


"You know fucking well how I'm feeling! I'm about to cum in my panties."


Down a gear and the vibrations shot through the roof.



"Bastard! Make that I just came in my panties!" And over the next 20 miles or so, that's what kept happening. Over and over and over again - especially as he dropped in saucy little highlights into the conversation. 


"My sister enjoys riding on this too. I know she cums in her panties as well." (Allan has fantasised about his sister before, and I have 'helped' out with a little role-play and some borrowed underwear.) 


I had no difficulty in imagining her sitting exactly where I was sitting, legs spread like mine, and that fucking engine tickling her clit and mine.



"I want to suck your panties when we get back home. I want to see AND taste what a mess "I've got you in."


"Cunt! You might get more than you bargained for! Much more of this and I'll wet myself."

"Well if you feel like that......."


He pulled off the road and we roared over dirt tracks and hills before, mercifully, he shut it down. "Go on then. You know what I want to see."



I pulled my leathers down, and my purple panties which, as expected were totally ruined, and let him watch me pee on the grass. Allan, like many men I've encountered, loves watching me pee.


Back home?


We didn't make it back home. We didn't make it any further at all. He screwed me to oblivion and back over that motorcycle. Me bent forward over it......me lying (uncomfortably) full length along it, with his legs straddling the back wheel and my head supported on the handlebars with his jacket.



I was deliciously, exotically, and thoroughly fucked - just the way I like it.



On the way home, I learned something else about motorcycles - or maybe it was Victory motorcycles in particular. They are the gift that keeps on giving. I came multiple times on the way there, I was fucked into oblivion once there, and on the way back, I felt myself leaking heavily both semen and girl cum, not helped in the least by further orgasms as we went. 



The warm bath that followed was pure heaven. 




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