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Anna and Emily Go Au Naturelle

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 4 comments
10 likes 13 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: nudist, casual nudity, outside

My family do it regularly.

Emily has done it with my family. 

But we’ve never done it here….yet

Naturism….the human in their natural state of nakedness. Yes, I think by now we all know it is of dubious benefits when it comes to health. 

True, sunlight on the skin does make the body produce vitamin D, but it also runs the risks of skin cancer - especially if you allow yourself to burn. (Which we don’t.)

If you start your exposure to the sun early enough…as soon as the weather is bearable, and use increasing factors of sun block as the weather gets hotter you should be ok. 

But the real buzz is being naked around other people. 

Dani’s mum, being my parents’ housekeeper has seen us all naked many, many times, but Dani hasn’t. 

Until, yesterday, that is. Thatched cottages are amazing things really, their thick roof is a perfect insulator in cold weather, keeping the warmth trapped inside, and in hot weather, it keeps the place cool, so when we woke up sweating in our bed yesterday, it was clearly a hot day out there. Emily nd I didn’t even need to talk about it….no clothes for us today! Excited, we bounced out of bed and trotted downstairs….

…..and ran straight into Dani who was preparing breakfast. Oops. We didn’t even think. Apologies and explanations followed to which Dani, bless her, responded with, “Well, I think it’s a great idea.” As usual, she ate breakfast with us and then cleared away. Em and I went outside into the garden and set up a spot near the pool. We chatted about the fact that Dani is now so much a part of our lives we sometimes forget she’s there. It’s true, things just happen. Meals are prepared, cleared away, cleaning washing and ironing seem to happen by magic, plus a thousand other things that aren’t, strictly speaking, part of her job description. 

We’d been lounging out there for a little over an hour when we saw Dani’s head over one of the hedges and heard the chink of ice cubes.  Dani makes these to-die-for fruit juices…all from the real thing, but blended in truly inspired ways. Perfect! Just what was needed.

And then she appeared from behind the hedge….as naked as we were! Fuck me, but that girl has a body! I defy anyone to look at her and NOT become aroused. Young, old, male, female….some girls have come-to-bed eyes (which she does) and some have ‘fuck-me-right-now’ bodies. Dani has both. 

“I hope this is ok?” She asked. Simultaneously, Em and I crossed our legs on our sun-loungers. This was to try to stem the flow of love juices that were pouring from us both. A male friend once told me that it’s possible to have an erection come on so fast that it’s painful, this wasn’t painful, but we figured dripping through the slats of the lounger would be considered bad manners. 

Whatever Dani is…(straight, gay or bi) she clearly wasn’t as turned on as we were because she sat on a lounger one leg out straight but the other bent at the knee with her foot up near her bum. We could clearly see her vulva and from time to time her knee flopped sideways enough for us to see that there was some moisture there. This was, and there’s no other word for it…fucking torture. 

She talked about being naked outdoors and how nice it feels. Then she said, “Does having sex naked outdoors feel as good?” Now, I knew this to be a cheeky question. Dani knows very well what having an orgasm outdoors feels like. Remember, I watched her do it recently. However…”Oh yes! There’s the excitement that you might be seen or caught, and the naughtiness of doing it. There’s nothing like long drawn-out sex naked outdoors…but then there’s nothing like a quickie either. Being naked is fabulous, but you mustn’t underestimate the thrill of someone pulling your panties to one side and fucking you outdoors either. In fact, being fucked outdoors while still fully clothed is very erotic.” As I talked I realised that my words were having an effect. Dani’s nipples were erect, and the slight sheen of wetness was significantly greater. 

She took in a large breath and sighed. Involuntarily, her hand almost brushed across her mound. Miss Brain caught the gesture and, as expected, played it. “Sometimes, even if you’re all alone, if you’re in the right mood, just opening your legs while naked outdoors can be a buzz….you know…like this.” I hoped that I wouldn’t leak too much, but I spread my legs, allowing Dani to see my sex. The moment I did so, I felt what little breeze there was touch me there and it told of how wet I was. Cheekily, I added, “You should try it. Just close your eyes, relax and open your legs.” I wasn’t expecting her too though. It was the kind of slightly over the top thing Emily might have said. 

Dani did though. She rested her head on the padded head rest and simply brought her other foot onto the lounger, and let her knees flop apart. She was every bit as wet as I was! Her lips slid apart easily to reveal her little pink hole and my felt my nostrils flare as I tried desperately to pick up her scent..which, joy of joys, I did. Once she had her legs open, she made no attempt to close them. “Yes, it does feel sexy, doesn’t it?” (Again like you don’t already know! Something’s going on here.) 

My Miss Brain works superbly for me, but isn’t too hot when it comes to saying the right thing to others. I can easily overcook it and say too much, or miss a chance by not saying enough. The moment the words left my mouth I knew I’d fucked up. “You can imagine a hunky guy leaning over you about to put his cock up you.” Dani, still head back eyes closed didn’t reply for a moment but then said, “No, I can’t. I don’t know what that feels like.” There was a slightly chilly edge to the way she said it, but bless her, Emily was all over it. “Or you can imagine having a cheeky wank!” (If there was one thing to say, that was it…to remind her of something we both knew she’d actually done. 

Silence. That total, thick silence that feels like mist, swirling and eddying, and full of opportunity. Dani still hadn’t moved. I noticed her bum clenching ever so slightly. And then, to my right, I heard a very familiar and overtly sexual moan. Glancing over, I saw Emily openly and unashamedly gently masturbating. Another, louder moan, and Dani’s eyes opened slowly to take in the sight of Emily gently rubbing her clit. I would never have been that brave. Em had obviously seen something in Dani that led her down this path. Dani watched for about a minute, then her eyes closed again, and joy of joys, her right hand drifted between her legs! 

As did mine. We all three of us gently masturbated. This was no intense, frenzied hole fucking. Just gentle clit stimulation. From time to time, Dani would look at me or Emily. In fact, it’s fair to say all three of us looked at each other. I know from having had group wanks with other girls that sometimes, they just fizzle out with no-one cumming. Orgasms don’t seem to be a requirement with girls as they are with guys. 

Not this time though. It was clear we were all going somewhere with this. I was seized with an overwhelming desire to taste Emily, but something told me that would be too much if I went down on her. Em must have read my mind though because she reached over to me with a wet, shiny finger which is sucked avidly on. Dani watched me do it. “Is it nice?” My mouth opened with a question in response. “Haven’t you tasted yourself? It’s like that but subtly different. Every girl has a slightly different taste.” I dipped a finger deep inside myself and held it out for Em. She did the same thing I did and sucked it clean. Dani watched again. Can you see ‘want’ in someone’s eyes? For a brief moment, I thought I saw, “Me, please”. Well, maybe it was hoped rather than actually saw. 

We came, all three of us, one immediately after the other. Emily, Dani then me. And I wouldn’t say Dani is a squirter exactly, but she is a ‘flooder.’ It seemed to well out of her and dripped onto the paving stones…what a waste. We stayed there chatting for the rest of the morning, and before we left, Dani knew what we both taste like. 

Inevitable? I suppose so. Dani has always known she was living with two highly sexual people, and we have done our level best not to let our desire intrude. But there have been signs that Dani has been increasingly interested in what we do. She must have known, that time she masturbated by the pool, that there was a good chance I would see her. Similarly, that time in the jacuzzi, when Emily manipulated the jets and Dani came in her bikini bottoms. She may not have a partner, but she is a woman with a woman’s desires and needs. As we all know, sometimes, masturbation simply doesn’t cut it. Even the simple act of rubbing one off with another person can be exhilarating.

When I compare Em and me and some of the things we get up to with a simple little three-way wank, well, there’s no comparison. Somehow, I can’t imagine Dani lying tied up over our couch while being whipped with a cat o’ nine tails. Or being fucked up the arse with a strap-on. No, I suspect these thoughts haven’t crossed Dani’s mind. 

She has asked a couple of lesbian questions of me and Emily. The usual things like, “What’s it like going down on another girl? What if she squirts? And the ever popular statement that once concerned the 15 year old me, “What if I tried to go down on a girl but couldn’t bring myself to do it?” I had told her how I worked that one out in the locker room with various girls’ panties…and from that day age wondered if Dani has done something similar with ours? 

Is this working towards a threesome? No, I really don’t think so. A lazy, hazy three-way wank is a very long way from a triangle of bodies writhing away. Dani was just horny. 

So were we.



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