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An Affair - Part 1

Posted by: Age: 50 Posted on: 7 comments
9 likes 21 views Category: Series Tags: Affair, horny wife, fucking, friends with benefits, zesty

This is the first part of a series.  It sets scenes and characters. 

They were both in their 50s. At least he supposed she was as a best guess.  She was attractive, educated, dressed well, and obviously looked after herself. It started innocently enough. Comments, laughs and general chat in the coffee lounge of the care home where they both had elderly relatives. She was visiting her father-in-law. He was visiting his mother. Shared experiences of coping with memory loss, medical treatments and such were a common bond between them as they got to know each other as regular visiting times coincided over the next few weeks. Then one day he noticed she was visibly upset. Feeling he knew her well enough to enquire, he asked if she was OK.  She looked at him and shook her head.  He started to ask if he could help but she whispered, “Not now,” and left.  It bothered him, but he respected her wishes and let her go without further comment.


The following week he saw her again and this time she looked calmer.  As soon as he sat down next to her, she apologised for their previous meeting and they chatted about this and that of no consequence as usual. After about five minutes she went quiet as if thinking about something. Then she asked, “Could we get out of this place and talk somewhere else?  I really need to take a break from all this.”  He had nothing planned so they went to a nearby pub for lunch. A bottle of wine later and the conversation turned more personal. She told him that she felt used and largely abandoned by her husband of 30 years. He was either working or playing golf and she was left to run the house and family, including his father who he barely bothered to visit anymore now that he was ill.  It was all becoming way too much, and the stress was unbearable. 


He listened quietly and came to the conclusion she was a typical country club trophy wife. Surrounded by friends and family but actually very lonely and unfulfilled. She eventually stopped talking and apologised again for making it all about her and saying way too much. He told her he didn’t mind in the slightest and was happy to listen.  Then came an interesting question from her. “Are you married?”  He replied that he had been divorced for a few years now, but the question intrigued him, if only because of the timing. She had just unburdened herself about an obviously uncaring husband so where was her mind going next? 


Her next statement was shockingly blunt but said with feeling, “I feel unappreciated, disrespected and unloved. Would you fuck me?”  He smiled as he pondered his reply.  “Do you mean would I fuck you if I had the chance, or will you fuck me now?” She looked at him open mouthed, as if the bluntness of her question had suddenly been realised. “I’m so sorry. What was I thinking about asking you that without explanation? But the fact that I’m talking about this stuff to someone I only met a few weeks ago and, even then, not very well, shows how deep this has become, I guess. Forget the crazy question.”


He smiled again but waited a while before continuing in a friendly light-hearted manner, “I am not sure I can forget a question like that. I absolutely understand how you feel. I went through some pretty similar feelings myself during my divorce. But for the record, I find you attractive, friendly, very easy to talk to and yes, I would most certainly like to fuck you.” She blushed like a silly schoolgirl.  He continued, “I don’t mean to sound patronising or chauvinistic, but I am curious as to why you used such a term.  I’ve never been asked that question directly before but in my past experience it's usually expressed a little more subtly. Make love to me, have sex with me maybe, but certainly not “fuck me.” Maybe I’m just being old-fashioned. My grandchildren always call me a dinosaur!


That made her laugh and broke the awkwardness of the moment. Then she continued with more confidence and that resigned look of a person about to be exposed, but who is glad it’s finally about to be over. “It’s truth or dare time and I choose truth.  I’ve been feeling like this for a long while and been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve also been doing a lot of fantasising and masturbating.  Then I met you.”  As she said that she looked him straight in the eye and held his attention. “I knew I liked you a lot from the moment we started chatting. I find you attractive and I just know you are the kind of man who will take me seriously and understand my reasons. I am also willing to bet that you are not the kind of guy who either fucks and runs or wants me to leave my husband and marry them. That’s not what I want.  My husband has sex with me, occasionally.  It is perfunctory, mechanical at best, and I never orgasm. I have afternoon sessions with my toys, and I am pretty comfortable with getting myself off whenever I want or need to.  But I’ve decided that what I need is a good, regular fucking!  Eye-watering, screaming porn star sex with multiple orgasms in a variety of positions and methods.  Are you my man or shall I look elsewhere?”


Surprisingly, he wasn’t shocked by this outpouring of raw need.  In fact, this woman really aroused him with her confidence and plan.  He had always been more confident with sex than the emotional side of relationships. 17 years of marriage had taught him that if nothing else.


He didn’t want to appear too needy or eager, so he paused before replying.  “Yes, I am your man. I am flattered and aroused at the prospect. But I do have some conditions.” “Go on,” she replied.  “Well, you set the time and date as suits you, but we never meet at the same place twice. I will not come to your house.  I will not buy you flowers, presents, or anything which might cause your husband to wonder where they came from. I will pay any hotel or accommodation costs to avoid any accidental discovery of suspicious credit card transaction. Oh, and I will not wear condoms so if you are still fertile, please make arrangements. I’m sorry if that all sounds very transactional, but I guess that’s exactly the point of this hopefully mutually beneficial agreement. And just so you know, the thought of “fucking you like a porn star” had my cock rock hard as soon as you said it.”


She smiled and winked at him and just said, “All good, I will be in touch then.”  They stood up and walked to their cars but, once they were outside the pub, she couldn’t resist giving his cock a squeeze before walking back to her car.




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