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Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Solo-Touch-Bot
Posted on: 04 Sep 2005
0 likes views Category: Too Hot For Solo Touch Tags:
0 likes views Category: Too Hot For Solo Touch Tags:
Category: Female-Female (FF)
Submitted by: Jessie-Marie Age: 19 Gender: Female
My mother is a media consultant and last week had to spend five days in Amsterdam (in the Netherlands, Europe) assisting a company that makes forklift trucks in some promo work. Anyway, I told her, I didn't fancy being left home alone (we live together, I never knew my biological other half). She said I could stay with her aunt 50 miles away, or go with her. I chose to go with her, guessing it should be fun.
It was really boring. I spent the first two days wandering around art museums and riding random trams all on my own, and spent hours on waterbuses in the canals again and again and again.
On the Wednesday evening, I literally accidentally stumbled across the 'redlight district'. It was dark, and there were lots of glass doorways with almost-naked women (bra, panties) posing under red strip lights waving, smiling, and gesturing to the blokes. I consider myself straight and haven't really had a proper relationship before; I've only kissed, and masturbated a few times alone after finding this site.
I have to admit, I found the women quite arousing; the whole scene, with all the people from many countries all enjoying the sights and some even buying time with one, it was buzzing, exciting.
My mother paged me to say she wouldn't be back at our hotel until the next afternoon; that she was staying with the producers for a late-night crisis meeting. She suggested I kill time, as she didn't think I'd sleep this early (9.30pm).
I walked towards a cashpoint, and withdrew 50 euros, preparing to spend lots of money, and hopefully forget about the boring five days trip. I walked back to the redlights as it was the only way I knew, and a tall, leggy blonde in a fluffy pink bikini opened her door and shouted in a strong Dutch accent, "s**k and f**k, 50 euros!". I was taken aback to hear it actually said aloud; I'd always assumed, for no apparent reason, business was conducted in silence on the outside!
The woman was very pretty, but no-one seemed interested. She had a sweet smile, but her eyes looked sad, as if she was desperate to earn even a single euro. I found myself gazing at her, thinking about the sorry tales of how young, pretty girls sold themselves out of desperation. Then I heard the call again, "S**k... 50 euros!". This time, she was looking at me as she said it; she'd noticed I was staring.
I walked over. She stepped out of her doorway, reached for my forearm, pulled me quickly inside, shut the door, and drew the red curtain. "I speak no English" she told me, in a broad Dutch accent, sounding a little like 'pigeon english' off the TV. "50 euros... else you can go way" she told me. Well, by now I was in another world; shocked by the little world I suddenly found myself in. Instinctively or something, I handed her the euro notes I'd taken from the cash machine not long before.
With expert precision, she carefully slipped my clothing off me, led me to the hospital-style bed with the cheapest nylon bedsheets, and had me lay on my back legs apart. She removed her skimpy fluffy bikini, lay on top of me in what I know to be a '69' position, and licked away at my pussy. I came seconds later.
After this, she wiped me clean with a baby wipe, then smiling but maintaining silence, attached a rubber penis, short and thin, to herself using weird straps shaped like underwear. She straddled me, slid it into me, and made love to me. I came twice. She pulled out, wiped me again, said "Time is up, Miss English" and handed me my clothing. She dressed back into her 'costume', waited for me to dress, and escorted me outside.
I headed back to the hotel flushed and shaking, but very satisfied. I masturbated repeatedly until 3:00am, when I went to sleep.
[lb][i]This story was originally submitted to Solo Touch and not published because it violates the rules.[/i][rb]
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