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All in One Day
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 10 Jul 1998
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All in One Day by Vinny (vin11@hotmail.com)
This had to be one of the most memorable days of my young life. Gary andI spent almost every Saturday and Sunday afternoon at our secret spot inthe woods where I would watch him masterbate a number of times duringeach day. Then have my erection sucked by him. It was truly aneducation. I still hadn't had my first orgasm, but our Labour Dayweek-end hike was to be anadventure to say the least.
As was typical of an adventure day, I would meet-up with Gary at hishouse on the way to the woods. Upon arrival at the entrance point welifted our bikes over the boundary fence and pushed them to an area notvisible from the road. Being the end of the summer, the days were notquite as hot and there was a threat of rain. We found our way into thesecluded clearing and began the ritual of securing the site. As wasalways the case, there was no evidence of any visitors between our lastvisit and this one.
Gary was first to strip down to his boots. I was in the process ofbuilding a campfire and also stripped down once the fire no longerneeded tending. The warmth of the flames really helped take the chillout of being naked in the damp woods. We added more evergreen boughs tothe roof of the lean-to as well as to the makeshift cot we lashedtogether with rope.
Once the cot was finished, Gary lost no time in putting it to itsprimary use. Covered with an old car blanket he carried in his knapsack,he laid spread eagle and started to slowly stroke his mammoth cock. Iknow he had done so at least twice that morning. He just couldn'tget-off enough. I waited patiently with my small but very hard dick inhand. I knew it wouldn't be long before being invited to lay down on thecot.
Gary was doing something different this time. He took a small jar ofvaseline from his knapsack, inserted his index finger in the greaslysubstance and then inserted the finger in his ass. He slowly worked itin as far as it would go, and then continued to jackhis cock harder and faster than I had seen before. Within a few minutesa familiar grimace was evident on his face as he shot a small, verythick load on this stomach and hand.
He asked if I had noticed his new variation, and explained that he hadbeen experimenting with inserting different articles while masterbating.It added a whole new enjoyable sensation to his sessions. He had evenpurchased his own jar of the jelly.
Then came my invitation to partake of his oral talents. As usual he dida magnificent job with his tongue and lips. He really loved sucking mycock every chance we had. Of course our sessions were never limited toour trips to the woods. But here wecould get totally naked and do what ever we wanted without the threat ofbeing caught. I couldn't believe how hard my cock had gotten. It seemedto throb uncontrollably. Then Gary asked if I would put my blood gorgedcock is his ass. After getting overthe initial shock of his question and being in the mood to experiment Iagreed to give it a try.
Neither of us had any experience at this, but we managed to figure outthat if Gary laid on the cot and lifted his legs high enough, I had aclear path to his harry brown hole. It was a bit awkward to begin with.Gary laid on the edge of the cot, raised his legs inthe air and rubbed some vaseline on his ass while I rubbed some on mystill hard cock. Kneeling near the edge of the cot I inched myselfcloser to his waiting hole. Finally I was in position and could seeexactly what was happening. What a unique view I had.My heart was pounding and I could fell my legs trembling.
Slowly I pushed the head of my cock through the glob of vaseline andinto his warm hole. It was uncomfortable for him at first and he askedme to wait until he got used to it. The request was most difficult tohonor, but I waited patiently with just the head hidden from view. Iwanted to push into him as far as I could. It felt so new, and so good,and oh so naughty. I would have died of embarrassment if we had beencaught, or if anyone even knew what we were doing.
Finally, Gary said it was okay to continue, and I watched my cock sinkfarther and farther into him until my thighs pressed hard against hisass. I remember wondering to myself if this is what a cunt feels like. Iwas instructed to pump in and out of his hole and did so with pleasure.I watched as my hard member appeared from and then disappeared intoGary's slippery, warm asshole, as his hard cock rocked back and forthwith my thrusts. In the excitement of the moment I boldly grabbed hisoversized dick in my right hand and started to pump it in time with ourbutt fuck.
What was happening was beyond my wildest comprehension. I was giving ahand-job to and butt reaming my best friend at the same time. Thissession didn't last very long. Gary started to push his ass to meet mythrusts and then shot a load that landedon his stomach and dripped down onto my hand. Lost in the heat of themoment I was beginning to feel a new sensation building deep inside mycock and balls, but after his orgasm Gary found my thrusting a bituncomfortable and he asked me to stop until later.
Unfortunately, the rain that had been threatening all day started and wehad to head for home. I didn't have a chance to finish exploring our newfound activity.
I stayed home and had dinner with my family that night. My mother hadmade plans to go to a show with an aunt that night so I was expected tosit my younger brother. We watched TV, played the same boring games andfinally it was time for my brotherto go to bed. It had been very difficult for me to concentrate onanything due to my earlier adventures that day. But now I had the houseto myself and could experiment more. I locked myself in the bathroomwith the vaseline and tried to recreate some of the days' more excitingmoments. But I couldn't get myself to the same level of excitement I sodesperately wanted, and decided to take the experimentation to bed. Mybrother was asleep so there was no fear of making a little noise. I laidthere pumping my dick and rubbing my balls. I even tried playing with myass. I remember sliding the cardboard core from a roll of toilet paperover my cock and pumping myself with that. It provided a nice sensationrubbing over the head of my cock, but was basically a total failure. Ihad to be doing something wrong because all my friends could do itwithout near as much effort.
Just then I heard footsteps outside the bedroom door and then saw thedoor open. I was my mother just returning home from her evening out.Luckily I was able to cover-up before she could see that I was layingnaked in bed with a cardboard tube on my cock. I double checked to makesure as she made her way to the edge of my bed. She sat down with herback to me and asked that I unzip her dress and undo her bra for her. Wetalked for a few minutes while I rubbed the itchy impressions left inher skin from the bra straps. As we continued our small talk, I couldsee the top of the dress and her bra slide off her shoulders and fall toher lap. What a site this would have been. Her sitting there topless andme naked under the covers. We wished each other a goodnight as she madeher way to the door. As she passed by the window, the light coming infrom the street illuminated her ample breasts. There was just a glimpse,but I think that was probably the most erotic moment of my boyhood. Iwas so aroused by the sight that when I knew she was in her room Iresumed my quest for that first orgasm. I went back to the method that Isaw Gary use so often. The thumb and two fingers pulling the loose skinover the head. All of sudden I could feel the pressure building deepwithin. Similar to the pressure I felt while butt banging Gary. Itdidn't take long for me to build to the peak and then the spasms thatfollow orgasm. Finally.
There was no cum so I was a little confused. I knew it had to be anorgasm. But no clean-up. I was so taken by this that I brought myself totwo more before giving in to sleep.
This was truly a turning point in my sexual adventures, and from thatpoint on my sessions with Gary would never the same.
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