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Against Company Rules
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Flightcrew
Age: 36 Posted on: 27 Dec 2007
0 likes 535 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags:
0 likes 535 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags:
I work as a line captain for a major world airline. In the course of my duties I meet many newly qualified first officers, a pleasing number of which, these days are female. Four days ago, I was assigned Helen, a newly qualified ATPL as First Officer on a four day round trip to Europe.
Helen was quite small in all departments. As she slipped off her jacket and got comfortable inthe co-pilots seat, I noticed that she had very small but seemingly perfectly formed breasts and she certainly knew what she was doing. We agreed that she would fly the first leg and we would alternate after that, weather conditions permitting. She worked hard and didn't miss a thing in the planning and pre-flight. In fact, she was so damn good, the only comment I had to make was that her PA to the passengers was a little too fast.
In the cruise she half turned in her seat and tucked her leg underneath her giving me a view of her tights and pick panties beneath. As with most newbies she wanted to talk about things like how an engine failure really feels. (Don't know.. never had one only in the sim.) How often we get landing gear or tyre failures (Again, never had either.) At our detination the cross wind was right on the limits of her licence but I decided to let her cary out the approach anyway. She did it perfectly and we landed and taxied in to the stand.
In the stopover hotel, she asked if we could meet for dinner. It was a relaxed meal and as pilots do, we spent much of it talking shop. Then, unepxectedly, she asked if I was married. I said I was and asked her if she had a partner. She said that she did, but that she didnt see him that often because of scheduling. We adjourned to the bar and ordered coffee.
Helen said that her first 'real' flight was a real turn on. At first I thought she meant the adrenaline rush that one often gets, but then she said. 'I was so wet when we landed.'
I must have looked like a fish out of water; I muttered something about it can get at you like that. I also reiterated that I was married. We went up to our separate rooms, but I had the intention of jacking off thinking about my cute little co-pilot doing exactly the same thing. Of course, I wondered how she did it, was she shaved, how did she like her boyfriend doing her... in short the usual things.
I was just getting into my stride when ther was a tap on my door. I opened it to find no one there, but an evelope on my mat. In it were the pink little panties Helen was wearing and an internal phone number. I phoned it and Helen proceeded to talk me off like no one else had ever done! She told me in exquisite detail how she was doing herself and told me when to smell and lick her panties. I asked her as I got close to tell me how she likes sex. She said 'Ohh, I LOVE it up the arse, but my b/f won't do that. He thinks it will make him gay!'
Now I have always fantasized about doing that but my wife has made it clear that there are two ways she will do it: 'No way' and 'No how'. Helen gave me a lovely description as to how she would do it and later in the series, we actually did it like that.
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