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Absence Makes the Panties Grow Wetter

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 3 comments
4 likes 23 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Panties, masturbation,
Emily and I are embarking on an experiment.

Have you ever been peckish? That desire for a cup or tea and a biscuit? Well, how about hungry. Hungry when only a meal will suffice? Have you ever missed a meal…or two…or even three? 

Emily and I are playing a little game right now. No sex. None. Not even masturbation. 

When I was 16, my parents took us to New Zealand. I am an awful flyer and I felt sick for most of the way there so I passed on the in-flight meals, even though we were in first class. I felt ok once my feet were on solid ground, and once the nausea disappeared I became acutely aware of the scents of foods. I remember how I became increasingly aware of every single smell…donuts, pizzas, roast dinners. The mere memory can make me salivate even now. 

So, Emily and I have been abstaining for three days now, and already my senses are becoming highly attuned to sex. My own scent, Emily’s of course, and Dani as she walks past me. I swear, I am now able to differentiate her three core scents. Soap, the tiniest touch of perfume and vagina…..oh it’s faint, but it’s there. Sometimes, if she’s been doing something heavy, there’s the added aroma of her sweat too. 

Emily? I am so attuned to her it’s unreal. Her scents drive me crazy. Crazy as in I can feel my muscles tense with a desire to grab her and throw her to the floor and ravage her. 

Then there’s my own scent. 

Because I am noticing all these sexualised odours, and not doing anything about them, the only thing that can happen is me becoming aroused. And arousal means wetness….and wetness means scent, and scent means arousal, and arousal…..well, you get the idea. 

Sitting here, typing this in a pair of panties I only put on an hour ago, and they are already soaked through is also making me aware of my little sex bean tingling, pulsing and throbbing away. My boobs are like rocks…solid, erect nipples and oh boy, are they sensitive. 

We plan to go for a week without any kind of sexual release. 

In my case, what makes it infinitely worse is that over morning coffee, Dani has taken to opening up about her sexual feelings…and even her sexual practices. She tells me that since she moved in with us, she has been having way more lesbian thoughts. (Unsurprising) and that she does herself sometimes imagining being with another girl. 

Miss Brain grabbed that comment and promptly proceeded to fuck me over. “Do you fantasies about me or Emily?” I heard the words trip lightly out of my mouth as if I hadn’t a care in the world. Fuck! Dani paused before saying, “Would it be awful of me if I said yes?” (Fuck, no!) Again, Miss brain grabbed the controls. “So, which of us would you like to lick first?” (Dangerous, since for all I know, her fantasies didn’t involve her doing anything to us.) 

My frustrated, sexually starved state made me hyper aware of her body language. Even the warmth she radiated seemed quantifiable to me. I caught the dilation of her pupils, the slightly deeper breathing, the slightly faster pulsation of that artery in her neck, and when she shifted in her chair, crossing her legs and wafting her skirt, I caught the unmistakable scent of arousal. (Side note-I know Dani goes without panties sometimes now.) 

The question had hung in the air for too long. I wasn’t going to break the silence and in the end Dani had to answer me. “Both of you, but…mainly you.” She took a long deep swallow of her coffee. “I see you two…and hear you…and it seems so….exciting. So urgent. So fulfilling…and it’s not just when you’re doing it, it’s how you look afterwards. You glow. You look so satisfied and peaceful.”

Between my legs a small waterfall was in progress. I knew that then, like now, I had soaked through to the outside of the material. “You should try what I tired when I first got into girls. Panty smelling. You’d find out if you could get up close and personal to a girl. If you could, then maybe….” I left it hanging for a moment, then decided I should maybe add a little option for her, “But it doesn’t mean you’d have to go down on the other girl. Whoever it is. (Oh..me..me…pick me…pick me! Another Shrek Donkey impression) Lesbian sex doesn’t work like that. It’s perfectly ok for one girl to…satisfy..another and there’s no pressure to return the compliment.” 

Dani mulled it over for a few moments. “Hmm, well, I suppose I could try…as long as you honestly don’t mind me using your panties.” I stood up, reached up my dress and pulled my undies down and off. I handed them to her. “Go on. Off you pop. You can tell me what it was like later.” I’ve never seen anyone go so red. Even so, she stood up and took my wet undies from my outstretched hand, left the kitchen and walked towards her flat. 

Knowing what she was about to do, nd knowing she had my panties drove me insane. I could have cum then and there, but no, mustn’t cheat!  For about an hour, I had to carry tissues with me. When I get wet, I get very, very wet, and frustration, plus the sure and certain knowledge that right now Dani was masturbating with my panties, well, it’s more than a girl could stand. 

So I went upstairs, pulled on a pair of shorts a t shirt and my trainers, and went for a jog. I’m no runner but I needed the exercise. A few hundred yards from the farmhouse, I realised the trick Miss Brain had played on me. I’d grabbed some soft shorts, but hadn’t bothered with panties. Fuck! I began to push myself hard. As I said, I’m hardly Olympic when it comes to running and anyway, my recently healed leg soon let me know it didn’t appreciate the impact, so I returned to a light jog. Feeling antsy, wet, and horny beyond words. 

And Miss fucking Brain decided it was ‘Tease Anna’ time. About half a mile later she said “Hey, look over there. Those teenage boys. Imagine the show you could give them. Go on. Drop your shorts. Let them see your cunt. Ooops. Sorry. I keep forgetting.” Another half mile and she started to get vicious. “Hey, Anna. I wonder if Dani has just smelled you, or whether she’s sucked you off your panties. You were very wet, you know. Easily wet enough for her to get some of you into her mouth. Mmm…imagine that soft, sensual mouth on yours….or better still, between your legs. Imagine having her sex sitting on your face.” 

As I have pointed out many times, Miss Brain can be something of a cunt at times. As I jogged, I began to feel the seam of the shorts on my clit. Miss Brain registered this and informed me that I could jog myself into an orgasm. Nope. Not allowed. Then she realised I needed to pee, and under normal,circumstances, feeling like this, I might well have considered something naughty, but again, no!

About a mile and a half away, I turned back, walking this time, and trying to think of anything non-sexual. I really felt like I was close to thinking myself into an orgasm. Ok, Anna, coun backwards imagine 7s from 5000. Fucketty fuck fuck bollocks! 

Back home, soaked with sweat and other wetness, I found Dani in the kitchen. 

I’ll tell you what she said later. 



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