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A Wistful Moment

Posted by: Age: 22 Posted on: 4 comments
4 likes 20 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Periods, masturbation,
That time of the month again, but maybe this time, with a difference.

Honestly, I swear, I didn’t mean to do it. It just…happened. 

When I’m on, there are always a couple of days when I’m very emotional. I cry at almost anything even remotely sad..or romantic, and owing to the diverse and perverse way we are put together, I am incredibly horny, but not in a raunchy way…oh no…not that at all. It’s more a need to be held, spoken softly to, and when I cum it’s more like a gentle wave rolling over me than a savage, gut-twisting world-shattering event they normally are. 

I often find myself standing at a window, sometimes for hours on end just staring at nature. The spring bulbs are starting to emerge now and their tiny bulbous heads speak of daffodils and crocuses that will soon bless our gardens with a riot of colour. I saw, or rather sensed movement in the hedge and a small nose appeared. Hedgehog, perhaps? A bit early for one of them to be out of hibernation, but I guess he knows best what a hedgehog should be doing. 

Nature is awakening from her long winter sleep. It will soon be green again, and our wedding day approaches. 

As I stood at the windows, I just felt and overwhelming wash of love for the emergent cycle appearing before me, as it has since the Dawn of time, and, of course, for Emily, who came into my life so unexpectedly, and touched my soul. 

I wasn’t even aware of my hand drifting like a leaf on a lazy river up under my skirt. Panties? Well yes, of course. I’m not brave enough to go commando during a period - even though I am very light, and my ‘on’ days are brief, like most girls, I’m terrified of ‘leaking’, even though the last time that happened, I was still at school. 

My fingers seemed hypersensitive, almost as if I could feel every skin cell. My brow furrowed as I found the beginnings of a pubic hair! Laser treatment doesn’t guarantee you will never grow another, and here was a soft little hair making a bid for life. 

Further down, I found my labia really puffy and swollen, and my clit rock hard - not as wet as I would have liked owing to the presence of the tampon, still, we are blessed with a couple of Bartholins glands just on the outside of where a tampon sits, so there was some natural lubrication happening. 

I can honestly say I wasn’t aware of standing at that window and masturbating. A ‘comfort itch’ mutated into a gentle circling of my little sex bean. Miss Brain also changes at this time of the month. No raunchy images or thoughts. No re-enactments, no imagined scenarios. Instead it is just a gentle flood of feelings. I am so fortunate in so many ways. I come from a wealthy family. I myself will never need to worry about money. I have a delightful cottage…well ‘cottage’ belies it’s size really. It feels old, it is old and it carries lifetimes of love under its roof. 

And I have Emily. My soul-mate. My friend. My lover. 

As Miss Brain led me on a gentle walk through the labyrinth that is Emily’s love for me, I came softly into my panties, one hand up under my top gently cupping my hyper-sensitive boob. 

As usual, when I cum like this, tears streamed down my face. Not tears of regret, but tears of unspeakable gratitude. 

I heard movement slightly behind and to my right. Turning, I saw Elizabeth, our housekeeper. We had spoken recently about the fact that one day, she would undoubtedly walk into some kind of sexual activity involving, I thought, me and Emily, or maybe me and Chris, but I hadn’t even considered for a moment that it might be me and, well, me. 

She had a duster in one hand and polish in the other and I had no idea how long she had been standing there. I couldn’t hide what I was doing, after all, my hand was still in my panties and up my top, and I certainly couldn’t hide the tears. For a moment she just stood staring at the emotional wreck before her and then she quietly put down the things in her hands, walked towards me and enveloped me in a huge hug. After a few moments she whispered into my ear, “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” So…she saw me masturbating then. Oh dear. I began to splutter an apology but she cut me off by placing a finger on my lips. “Shh…it’s ok…it’s ok…we’ve spoken about this. Your home, your ways…..it did look…beautiful though. So…emotional….so sensitive…so arousing.” (Arousing?) 

I felt a soft kiss on my still wet cheek. “Now, don’t read anything into this,” I told myself. “She’s just comforting you.” I took a deep breath to centre myself, and as I did, I realised that my hand was still between my legs, and pressing against her mound too as she hugged me. If I attempt to take my hand out, she’ll feel it. If I leave it there, she’ll think…what….that maybe I haven’t finished…that I want another cum..hell do I want another cum? Am I already on the way to one? If I rub myself as I like to, my knuckles will definitely be rubbing against her mound too…lower that her mound, actually since she, like the rest of the planet is taller than me. I did want another cum though, and just being held was all the external assistance I’d need as well. Oh dear. 

You know how iPhones can talk to each other if they’re placed close enough..you know…they can share passwords, or setup information…well, I’m certain that women share the same ability. Some kind of feminine Bluetooth. Go figure. Anyway, Elizabeth whispered into my ear again. “It’s ok. Go ahead. I’ll just…hold you.”

I knew I could cum again, and her arms around me made me feel awfully safe. Slowly I began to move my fingers and Elizabeth let our a soft gasp. I stopped, of course. “No. It’s ok.” I noticed though that she didn’t pull her hips back from where they were. If anything, she may have moved infinitesimally closer…or maybe that was just my imagination. 

Anyway, I began again…just my middle finger circling my clit…and dipping down for some more wetness before moving back up. I really didn’t make my knuckles stick out further that normal….honestly I didn’t….no, really. Either way, I sensed her breathing deepen. 

We are complicated beings, us women. Even watching or being in the presence of another girl who is masturbating…even if she’s under a duvet or in a sleeping bag is arousing - it’s that Bluetooth thing again! A straight friend once told me she was compelled to do herself after hearing someone cum during a sleepover. Go figure. 

I did move my hand from under my top and place it around Elizabeth’s waist though. I felt her breathing, still deep, quicken. It got faster as I got closer. When I came….well…I’ll never know for certain, but it’s possible she did too! I found myself wishing profoundly that she did.

Afterwards, she led me to the couch, lay me down and covered me with a blanket and disappeared…I figured she would go and take care of herself, but she was back in a few minutes armed with the one substance that cures all ills. A lovely real hot chocolate. 

Through the back windows, our builders are cracking on with the modifications to the jaccuzi. The good thing about glass constructions is that they’re made offsite and just screwed together here. Yesterday two walls were up and the runners for the sliding doors. Today, the roof will be finished, and the new plastic cover installed. Tomorrow, I shall test it out. 

Periods. Necessary, strange, messy, painful, and transformative when it comes to orgasms. For me, they seem to plumb the depths of my emotions. 

And I wouldn’t have it any other way…

…I’ll miss them when they’re gone. 



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