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A Schoolteacher's Temptation

Posted by: Age: 26 Posted on: 26 comments
24 likes 150 views Category: Sex Stories Fantasy Tags: teacher, masturbation, school, fantasy

I was a schoolteacher for over 30 years.  Most teachers of secondary age children will tell you they have been teased and/or tempted by sexually aware teenagers in these days of internet inspired sexualisation.  It wasn't quite so bad when I started in the 1980s but it still happened, and teachers have to be aware of it, or face the end of their career and serious legal consequences.  This story is pure fantasy, but it could have happened to any of us.

Lyn was very nervous starting her new job in a much larger school than she was used to.  At 26 and with only three years’ experience, this was quite a big step up.  The Head was a very nice woman who made her feel as comfortable as could be expected, and she spent the first hour introducing her to her fellow Humanities Dept colleagues.  She would be teaching a mixture of history, geography , religious and cultural studies, and later in the year “personal education”, the school’s euphemism for sex education, to four classes of year 10 and 11 pupils.

Her first day was mainly observing and meeting her new pupils, a mixture of 15 and 16 year olds and as is customary for teachers with any experience, within a very short space of time, she had formed her own first impressions of how they would respond in the classroom.  She was usually pretty good at this! So, on her second day, her timetable began in earnest.  It was History first, her favourite subject.  She introduced herself with a little personal information as she believed in letting her pupils see her as a person, not the aloof, unapproachable, type of teacher she had experienced in her own schooldays.  After that she got her class to give her their names and gave them a little badge so they could wear it until she had memorised them.  The usual few stood out as jokers, idiots and chancers but she was used to dealing with them.

Days passed and she began settling into her job.  She worked out which of her pupils were there to study and those who would really rather have been somewhere else, and made her teaching plans accordingly.  Now any respected educator will tell you that teachers must not have favourites! But they do, and Lyn soon found hers. At the back of the class, huddled up against the only radiator, sat a girl called Debbie (or Debs as she wrote on her name badge)  She was a petite girl, not much more than 5’, with breasts still at the earliest form of development but what drew her to Lyn was her willingness to learn and her bright personality.  She didn’t appear to be a great mixer, Lyn saw her with the same few friends every day, but her smile was always as warm as the radiator she seemed to cling to at every opportunity.  Even if Lyn saw her in the gym or at lunch, she was always in the same place, as close as possible to a heat source.  One day after her last class on a Friday, Lyn asked her to stay behind because she was slightly concerned for the girl’s health.  When she asked if she was feeling Ok, Debs just smiled and told her she felt the cold and always liked to be as warm as possible.  She even told Lyn that her mum had bought her an electric blanket to stay warm at night.  That seemed like a perfectly reasonable explanation, so Lyn said nothing more and wished her a good weekend. 

Debs was glad she had finally had an excuse to talk to Lyn.  She liked her very much, as a teacher but also as a bit of a crush!  She was only 10 years older and felt more like an older sister somehow.  That night as she turned up the electric blanket to full and snuggled up to her radiator as she always did, she kept thinking of Lyn and her smile. It wasn’t long before the familiar tingle took hold in her kitty, and as her fingers found their way down to stroke the warm, wet folds, it was Lyn’s face she imagined watching her.  Not just her face, but her lips, her kisses and fingers probing every inch of her.  The warmth of the blanket and radiator consumed her as she felt the little flutters in her vagina start, then expand to her belly and thighs as she quivered when the peak arrived.  It was also Lyn’s smiling face she saw as she fell asleep, knowing her pleasure had pleased Lyn too!


Lyn went home to her husband thinking about the young girl in her class.  She couldn’t quite pinpoint why, but she felt a strong connection to the girl, despite only knowing her a few weeks.  Perhaps it was the bubbly personality or her habit of always seeking out the warmth, or just that she was a good pupil and willing to learn, but whatever it was, Lyn was aware of “that” feeling.  The one she had discovered at about the same age as Debs. The one that made her visualise her face and body more than normal. The one that made her visualise her naked and playing with herself.  She stopped suddenly, reminding herself that the girl was barely 16 and, for a woman of 26, let alone a teacher, these thoughts were highly inappropriate.  Her husband soon distracted her from the feelings by suggesting ideas of a more acceptable nature for a married woman, and they went to bed and had a passionate night of sex in their usual uninhibited variety of styles and positions.  After several strong and delicious orgasms, she fell asleep, but thoughts of Debs crept back into her mind as she dozed off and continued to feel the wetness between her legs and the scent of their lovemaking on the sheets.   Lyn hoped Debs was as happy as she was, with an equally aroused and well satisfied pussy between her legs.  And so it was that for the first time, both women went to sleep in post orgasmic happiness thinking of each other.

Weeks went by and nothing outwardly changed for Lyn or Debs. There were pleasant smiles exchanged between them whenever they met in class or the corridors. Mentally however, the fuse had been lit and there was no putting it out in their fantasies. Then one day, fate intervened again.  Lyn had been asked to cover a PE lesson as the games teacher was off sick.  The boys were off playing football, but she had to supervise the girls doing some gymnastics work in the hall.  The girls wore the traditional white gym vest and blue gym knickers.  Suddenly there was a cry from behind her and Lyn turned to see Debs on the floor clutching her knee.  The poor girl had slipped from a balance beam, and it was obviously badly twisted and painful.  Lyn sat with her while the school nurse was summoned and comforted the girl, holding her hand and chatting to her sympathetically.  Eventually it was decided that she needed to go to hospital for an X-Ray and her parents were called.  Lyn volunteered to go with her in the ambulance.  As they waited for it to arrive, Lyn’s eyes were secretly drawn from Deb’s knee, up her thigh.  Such lovely legs and at the top, the sight of her little pantie covered mound with the hint of her lips outlined.  Lyn felt a shiver of naughtiness as she gazed on the loveliness of the girl.  As her eyes travelled up her body she dwelled on her tiny forming breasts, nipples clearly showing under her tight vest.  And then their eyes met, and Debs gave her a wink!  Lyn was mortified! The girl knew she was admiring her body and all she could do was blush a deep red, merely confirming Deb’s suspicions.

On the way to hospital, they chatted about anything but what they were both thinking.  The awkwardness between them was evident, but as the doors of the ambulance opened and Debs saw her mum waiting, she quickly turned to Lyn and said “don’t worry Mrs xxxxx, I wont say anything.  I like you too!”  She smiled disarmingly and Lyn pondered what might happen next……


After a couple of hours waiting in A&E Lyn saw Debs hobble out of the cubicle on crutches with her mum.  Debs introduced them and her mum told Lyn that there were some sprained ligaments but fortunately no breaks.  Lyn was very relieved to hear it wasn’t too serious and promised to take good care of her. Deb’s mum smiled and said she was hoping to hear that as Deb’s had already told her she was her favourite teacher.  This made Lyn blush again, thinking of her earlier naughty thoughts at the sight of Deb’s panties and tiny boobs. Debs didn’t help by winking at her again, but this time Lyn smiled and turned back to return wink once her mum’s back was turned.   It was too late to return to school that afternoon, so Lyn went home.  Finding herself alone in the house she made herself a cup of tea and sat down to think.  Why had this girl made such an impression on her and stirred up some very inappropriate thoughts.  Yes, she was pretty, warm and bright of personality and thoroughly charming to be with, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly why she was starting to fantasise about the girl in a very sexual way.  She had found herself daydreaming of all sorts of scenarios but the one thing she couldn’t avoid visualising since this afternoon was that memory of her lovely legs disappearing under her gym skirt and those green school panties stretched tight across her virgin mound.  Lyn’s hand went instinctively to her own mound as she felt her moisture build.  She remembered how she felt at 16. All the naked girls in the showers made her so horny and wanting to touch herself …. and them. And there it was! It wasn’t just Debs; it was her own repressed bisexuality in her school years which was projecting her feelings to this lovely innocent girl in her class.  She slipped her trousers and pants down to her thighs and slipped her fingers deep inside herself, gasping with her own need.  She imagined all those girls she wanted to masturbate with at school.  They were all in a classroom, with their hands up their skirts, shirts unbuttoned and bras pushed aside as they tweaked their nipples in need.  As she looked around the imaginary room with her old school friends all gasping in pleasure as their climaxes overwhelmed them, there was an extra face grinning at her and Debs winked as she opened her legs to display that wonderful innocent, virgin pussy to her gaze.  It was enough to tip her over the edge and she squeezed her thighs tight together as she came in floods down her thighs and onto the sofa.

On the other side of town Debs was also in the throes of a blissful orgasm with her mother’s massager between the legs and the image of Lyn’s face in her mind as she imagined them lying together naked between her sheets……



As a result of her injury, Debs was not allowed to do any physical activity for several weeks, so whenever games and PE classes were scheduled, she was sent to a private study room with a teacher supervising.  Sometimes Lyn was on duty, and she often found herself alone with Debs.  She began to find this distracting to say the least, following her now regular masturbation sessions thinking of the pretty girl.  He husband had also noticed an increase in her sexual appetite and their lovemaking often became frenzied and much more adventurous as Lyn let her mind run wild with all sorts of erotic fantasies, some involving Debs.   She loved being fucked doggy style with her husband   thrusting hard and her pushing back just as violently.  In her mind Debs was there on the bed in front of her, pinching her nipples so hard with one hand and playing with her clit and feeling her husband’s cock as he thrust in and out so fast.

One day she sat there alone, watching Debs read her textbook.  There were no other pupils on private study that day and Debs was within a few feet of her in the front row.  She was daydreaming, imagining the girl sitting there, huddled against the radiator as usual, but with her hand up her skirt and stroking her pussy over those soft cotton panties.  Meanwhile, Debs had little interest in her history revision and was secretly observing Lyn, wondering what she was thinking.  She remembered the delicious feeling of catching Lyn looking up her gym skirt and how it made her kitty tingle.  She instantly felt the moisture begin its journey down her labia to her panties as the memory grew into another fantasy.  She wished she could see up Lyn’s skirt, but the modesty panel fitted to the teachers’ tables prevented her.  Boldness took over and she opened her own legs slowly and dropped a pen on the floor, knowing Lyn would look up and see her.

Lyn did look up and was clearly flustered by the brazen display in front of her.  She looked away briefly but when her gaze returned, Debs was grinning broadly and had seized the initiative by sliding a hand up her skirt and making provocative circular motions over her clit and cupping her mound.  She let Lyn break the silence that was building like a balloon about to pop. In her best authoritative teacher voice, she said:

“Debbie, that is extremely inappropriate behaviour! Stop it immediately!”

But Debs just carried on smiling at her, and still the fingers slowly circled the crotch of her increasingly wet panties.  When she felt the silence had gone long enough, she replied. “But Mrs R…., I thought you liked looking up my skirt?  You seemed to enjoy it when I hurt my knee.” There was an impasse between them. They both knew it was true.  Lyn’s own pussy was creaming rapidly now, and Debs panties were clinging to her mound as the wetness grew.  Lyn made a decision from which there was no going back.  Putting on her best “I’m taking back control of this situation” voice, she asked “Do you like playing with yourself Debbie?  I do!  My panties are extremely wet now thinking of you pleasuring your clit.  I have been thinking of you for weeks now when I masturbate. I even think of you when my husband fucks me.”  She spoke the last sentence forcefully as if to remind the girl she was the adult in charge, but inside she was a mess of doubt and fear. 

Meanwhile Debs was now close to cumming and the blunt no nonsense tone the conversation had taken had somehow aroused her even more.  When Lyn had mentioned being fucked, her mind had automatically gone to her boyfriend. Not because he had fucked her, he hadn’t, and she did not want that yet, but the image of him doing it was hard to supress.  It was enough to take her over the edge and she squeezed her legs together tight and sighed deeply as the orgasm rippled through her belly and thighs.  She opened her eyes to see Lyn smiling at her.  “Was that nice” she asked.  Debs could only nod in agreement and sank back in her chair exhausted.

Lyn’s panties were a mess, and she couldn’t wait for the period to finish so she could change them. What had just happened had excited her beyond belief.  To watch the girl cum like that had almost been enough to bring her off too, but she fought it successfully, for now.  Eventually the bell rang, and they both scurried out to their different Ladies rooms for a quick refresh before the next lesson.  The private study room was not in use for the rest of the afternoon.  Given the overwhelming scent of  arousal on the chairs, it was probably just as well !



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