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A Red Behind
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Posted on: 20 Nov 2002
1 likes 553 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
1 likes 553 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
The night before this catastrophe, I had jacked off five times; I was 10 at the time. My mother was not home when I was pleasuring myself, and the babysitter did not wonder why I took so long in the bathroom. I had got in two jerks at a friend's house before coming home, and put in another three at home. As a result, my young pecker was red and swollen. The ring just behind the head and the foreskin were bulging and purple. I could orgasm, but not ejaculate. I had gotten in trouble in school, was given a note to my mother explaining the offense, told to get it signed, and return it the next day. I left the note on my mother's desk, and finished the most important thing, my jacking. When my mother got home, she read the note, sent the babysitter home, and called me to her room. She said in a calm but firm voice, I told you what would happen if you did this again, go to your room and take off your clothes, get in bed, and wait for me. I was overcome with fear, knowing what my peter looked like, but I had no way to avoid doing what I was told. I took off my clothes and lay down in bed on my stomach. When my mother came in, she had the fearsome wooden handled strap in her hand, and told me to get up and lie over her lap. I slid off the bed so she could not see my pecker, and got in position. The beating then began , seemed to last forever, but probably lasted for no more than 5 minutes. She was nevertheless very efficient, covering my behind and the upper part of my legs with what seemed like hundreds of swats leaving them bright red. When it was over, she told me to get up. That's when she saw my pecker. She asked what happened to my penis; I tried to pretend that nothing was wrong with it, but she said to shut up, you're going to a doctor. The next day my mother and I saw a urologist. He took a look at my pecker and said to my mother, There's nothing wrong he's just been masturbating. He'll be all right in a day or two. My mother was mightily embarrassed. On the way home, she said, Wait till I get you home, I'm going to give it to you with the cane. She was as good as her word. This was the most severe punishment in our house reserved for the most serious offences. The victim was lain over a spanking bench strapped down so he couldn't get away. Off came my clothes, over the bench I went, and she gave me 12 cane strokes, the most I ever got.
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