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A Perfect Naked Streak Unfolded

Posted by: Age: 19 Posted on: 4 comments
8 likes 40 views Category: Sex Stories Exhibitionists and Dares Tags: Part one, exhibitionism, gilf, cfnm, nudism, naked, exposed, doctor

First visit to a new Doctor that was recommended by a woman.

At 19 I was taking real big risks when I was exposing myself in public. It seemed I was good at telling convincing stories as to how I wound up nude in public. So much so that my previous two attempts resulted in me riding in the back of police cars. Both times I was taken home, not jail.

I made the appointment with this new doctor, a male. But I had no idea what an osteoporosis doctor did. I later learned that the woman who referred me to him did so because she had two friends working in his office and she told them I was an exhibitionist and they’d love me. Osteoporosis is a bone condition more common in aging females.


I had a sore elbow and was due a physical and he was taking new patients.

At 19 I was tall and thin, 5’9” and 145 pounds.

I had a hairless body neck down. Was clean shaven with short dark hair. I had a not very dark nudist tan. I was lightly tan everywhere.

This doctor was in a medical plaza building near a major hospital and on the 4th floor. Parking in the back and well over 200 cars in that one lot. This was a busy place. I parked way back in the back of the lot. 

I was wearing running shoes, a thin see through tank top and the thinnest smallest side split leg running shorts that I had already removed the inner liner.


I was getting stared at by people pretty far away, I was just barely dressed but hey it was a hot summer day in Florida. If I got so much as a third of an erection I’d be hanging out, way out. If I was to get a three quarter erection the shorts would do nothing but let it stand up and point straight out. 

My stomach was shimmering inside, butterflies and my hands were shaking.

I walked up to the building and around to the front lobby past its glass walls. There was a rear entrance but I was going for the gold. I was going in the main lobby we’re on the way into the parking lot I saw several dozen people about. Once inside I saw a receptionist and two banks of elevators down a central hall way. I had to weave through several people and the receptionist saw me. I noticed she turned away from someone to keep looking at me. 


She was smiling and that started the slow thickening of the penis and I walked a little faster towards the elevators. I did not dare look down but could now feel the cold air conditioning on my penis so I knew it was all the way out if my shorts. I was becoming afraid and that also turns me on. 


Oddly, no one had noticed me but her. I stole a quick look down and sure enough it was all the way out and pointing at 8 o’clock. 

I punched the elevator and just stood there watching people out of the corner of my eyes.

What, you ask? My penis ? Oh that, at the time it was a respectable six and a half inches hard, cut and I was told by two girls that I had a very nice one.


The elevator opened, in I went, it was empty, the doors closed and I gave my penis three or four good jerks before it stopped on two and five people got in. One older lady looked down at my penis. She looked back up at me smiling. She saw a face of terror.

Grandmothers, you gotta love 'em. She moved right in front of me and purposely hid me so the others would not see what she saw.

Third floor, five got on, now ten of us and my sweet protector had to back up closer to me and her back made contact oh my ! With the head of my penis that was now sticking straight out.

On the next floor I had to get out but I was now in the very back and I was shaking with fear. She turned just a bit and whispered, “Are we getting off on four?” I whispered back, “Oh, yes ma'am”

I felt like I could ejaculate any second and when she turned to face forward again her blouse just touched my penis. Oh my, Oh my, I wanted off that elevator. The door opened and this wonderful grandmother reached back taking both my hands and started saying excuse us as she stayed right in front of me and close.

We were alone in the hall way and I thanked her then noticed we were walking to the same doctor’s office I opened the door and let her pass in front of me. By some luck I had calmed down and was now at six o’clock and not so hard. Still hanging down out if my shorts but at least down. 


She wrote her name on the clip board then I did and I turned right and was facing a huge waiting room with ten full size couches plus several chairs. The place was more than half full. People had spread out on every couch. 

My grandma grabbed my hand and we sat down together then she promptly draped her sweater over my lap. 

Her only comment was,”You are not wearing enough clothes.” She gave me no sign of approval or disapproval.

An hour later she got called and took her sweater. I was cold and soft. Then I got called by a short chunky blond girl and boy was she smiling. “You must be Beverly’s friend." I said, "Yes ma'am." She looked to be about my age.

She outright admitted she knew of my oddness and once in the exam room she had me take off everything leaving the room door wide open. We did the blood pressure 100 question thing. I rolled up my clothes, tucked them in the shoes and stashed my clothes under the sink behind some boxes. 

The girl smiled and said, “OK, the doctor will be in shortly," and she left the room door wide open when she walked out and away.

Oh my! I was having so much fun! Amazingly I was not hard. I sat on the exam table facing the door, legs together and completely naked.

It was a busy hallway. Another girl walked in and said, “Hi I’m Beverly’s other friend, are you doing OK?” This one looked thirty. I replied I’m fine.

”We are out of gowns. Would you like me to get you a towel?” I said with a shaky voice, “No thank you.”

She smiled and left. 

A short time later the doctor came in.

I got a shot for my elbow and a full physical ending in a prostate exam, my first.

He commented before he did it the reason was to get a baseline before I ever have any problems. He said normally they’re not done until you're thirty. 

I bent over, in his gloved and lubed finger went then out.

Oh no, I was about to crap. I quickly asked, “Where’s the closest toilet?” and pinched my cheeks together. 

I could not believe my luck. I’m naked, fast walking down a tight very busy hall way that was quite far away. 

I made it and of course I didn’t need to crap that was just to get me here and naked.

I saw a fire escape just past the bathrooms with those one way doors and no way out until your on the ground floor.

I was definitely going for it.

Part two will follow.



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