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A Normal Day At The Office

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3 likes 48 views Category: Sex Stories General Tags: work, male, female, blowjob, squirting

Two complete opposite co-workers thrust together in unexpected circumstances experience passion like

never before



It was a typical dreary Wednesday morning as Jack cycled to work, the wind and rain brushing against his face as he struggles to see where he was going.


“Just another fun day at the office!” he thought to himself as his legs battled to keep moving in what felt like a tropical hurricane.



After what seemed like an eternity he finally pulled into the car park at work, jumping off and discarding his bike into the shelter like it was a piece of trash. He wiped his face the best he could and headed inside, grabbed his clock card out of the holder and punched in, his jacket dripping water everywhere. He entered the locker room and got changed ready for another exciting day at ‘lectric centre’ packing plug sockets and switches to send to the seemingly endless market of customers that couldn’t wait to get their latest fix of fresh electrical goods.





“Where the fuck does all this stuff go and who the fuck buys all this shit!” he muttered to himself checking his hair in the mirror before heading out to the shop floor.





Upon entering the shop floor he was greeted with a shrill voice that sent a shiver down his spine 



“Jjjaaaccckkk” came the screech from the office, it was the gaffer.

“‘fuckin’ hell have I done now” he sighed.



He turned and trudged towards the office, head down ready for another bollocking for something he hasn’t even done.



“Jack my good man!, i’ve got a treat for you today” said his boss excitedly “We’ve got a new employee and i’d like you to show her the ropes”

As he said this he pointed to the corner of the office where a young lady stood that Jack hadn’t even noticed he was that cheesed off.

“Jack, i’d like you to meet Maggie. Maggie this is Jack” his boss pointed to each of them in turn.



Jack still in a dream state of consciousness turned to where this young lady was standing, opened his eyes widely and sat there in amazement of the beauty that stood before him, a vision of what he thought absolute perfection.





Maggie stood there hands together twiddling her fingers, one foot pointed toes down swirling slightly as if a little nervous. Jack now wide awake and focused looked her up and down and could scarcely believe his luck.



“She stunning!” he thought to himself “this day's just got better”

As he sat there looking her up and down without trying to look like a weirdo, he noticed she was very tall and slender, her long almost jet black hair and beautiful green eyes that looked just like swimming pools he could just dive into.



“N…n..no problem gaffer” Jack answered jumping out of his seat with renewed vigour “i’ll be the best trainer we’ve got”



“Work well, I want no funny business. You understand??” asked his boss with a look in his eye

“pffft” Jack retorted, waving his hand “ i’ll be saint Jack, as always gaffer”

“That’s exactly what i’m afraid of” sniggered his boss swirling round in chair and starting to type away on his keyboard.



“well Maggie if you’d like to grab your bag and follow me?!?” said Jack ushering her to the door in his most polite manner known to man.



“Thank you” Maggie replied grabbing her things and walking past Jack and out of the office. As she brushed past him Jack took a breath and was instantly hit with a whiff of YSL black opium perfume, which just happened to be one his favourites. He could not mistake that smell, it drove him crazy.

“Todays going to be a good day Jacky boy” he smiled to himself.

As the pair left the office and proceeded to the locker room, Jack explained where Maggie could leave her things and what they what they would be doing that day, not knowing where the day was going to end up.



After a brief while they both headed onto the shop floor and made their way to the picking station, where Jack grabbed an RF gun and a trolley.



“Welcome to ‘lectric centre’” exclaimed Jack waiving his hands about like some demented clown “you don’t have to be mad to work here but it sure helps!”

Maggie blushed “I’ve never worked in a warehouse before, but the hours seem ok” she replied softly.

“You’ll be fine” he said reassuringly “If Tom can do it anyone can!” pointing over to a spotty ginger guy in the corner who sat there scratching his head like he hadn’t got a clue what day of the week it was.



“Right, i’ll just log on and we can make a start” said Jack “ If you just want to grab an order off that table there” he pointed to a large wooden bench that looked like it was about to fall apart under the weight of what appeared to be several hundred trees worth of paper.



“This pile?” Maggie asked, pointing down to an enormous pile of A4 paper.

Jack gave the thumbs up as he glanced at his scanner to sign in, but quickly turned his gaze back to Maggie. In the brightly lit warehouse he could now see the full beauty of what he would be working with today. Glancing up once more he could see that Maggie had the longest legs he’d ever seen,  shoehorned into a tightly fitting pair of jeans  that barely reached her ankles, her hair now fully in view almost reached down to her bum.



“Fuck me todays gonna be a long day” Jack thought to himself 



“Right you ready?” He asked Maggie handing her the scanner.

“I guess so” she giggled as she’d noticed Jack looking at her.

“Then off we go !!!” laughed Jack scooting off on the trolley like it was some sort of kids toy.



The pair continued on up and down the aisles Jack explaining what the job entailed and how mind numbing and boring it could be but making jokes the best he could without making himself look desperate.





As they continued their daily tasks Jack had an idea in his head, it was a bit naughty but he thought what the hell.



“If you’d like to have a go now?” asked Jack rather hopefully

“Yes why not” said Maggie feeling pleased with her mornings work “I think i’m ready”

Jack quickly ran over to the table full of orders and started rummaging around in the mountain of paper 

“Bingo!” he shouted holding the sheet of paper aloft like he’d just won the world cup.

“here you go” handing Maggie the piece of of paper.

“Thanks” she smiled grabbing the paper their hands briefly touched, she looked down blushed and snatched the paper from him and turned to push the trolley, her cheeks still red.

Jack smiled to himself knowing what he’d done.

After a short time Maggie asked “Jack? all these things I seem to be picking are all on the bottom shelf, is that normal?”

Jack just shrugged his shoulders “luck of the draw I guess”



Knowing full well he had picked it on purpose so Maggie would have to bend over in front of him, her ass looking like a peach in front of him. Not too big, not too small just right in those tight jeans.



He stood there just looking thinking to himself what he’d done to actually deserve such a treat today, as he continued to stare he imagined that Maggie was wearing a nice g-string or thong as he couldn’t see any VPL in those tight jeans, when he spotted a tiny bit of red lace protruding from the top of her jeans as her top had become slightly untucked from all the bending.

“Wow” he exclaimed a little louder than intended.



Maggie immediately stood up and looked at him “What!?!” she snapped.



“N.n..n..nothing!” Jack replied sheepishly looking up at the ceiling and down to the floor, anywhere other than straight at Maggie “i was just thinking about the football match I watched yesterday and what an absolute banger of a goal Man U scored”

“Really?” she asked “ I love watching Man U too”

Jack almost fell over the trolley, not only was this girl smoking hot she liked football too.

They continued on their way Jacks mind trying to concentrate on the task in hand, they chatted away the rest of the day about various things including football.



2 o’clock came round and it was time to go home. Jack skipped happily to the locker room and got his things before heading to the clock machine, as he was heading back out the door Maggie was just about to enter it, they bumped into each other, her hand briefly grabbing his chest where she could feel good strong muscles. His hand glancing her shoulder,



“sorry” said Jack stepping to his right

“no my fault” replied Maggie stepping to her left, the pair stepped side to side like they were dancing before Jack moved to the side and waved her through.

“see you tomorrow?” he asked more in hope than expectation as he wondered why such a beautiful woman was working in a warehouse and not on the catwalk.

“yes, see you tomorrow “ she waved going to get her things “thanks for a lovely day and helping me settle in”



Jack clocked out and headed for the exit door when all of a sudden he heard an almighty crash, looking out of the window huge storm clouds were gathering and it began teaming down with rain



“Brilliant” he thought to himself zipping up his coat and pulling his hood up tightly.

He ran outside, grabbed his bike and began peddling as fast as he could.

Before even making it to the end of the estate a large lorry drove past right through a massive puddle that resembled a small lake.



The resulting wave knocking Jack from his bike sending him crashing into the kerb and flying over the handlebars onto the grass verge.



“Fucks sake you stupid twat” Jack yelled at the top of his voice, flicking the middle finger to the now distant lorry.

He picked himself up, brushed himself down and picked his bike up ignoring the pain in his arm and shoulder. Upon inspecting his bike he noticed the front wheel was now bent and squeaking against the brakes making it completely unridable. 

He wondered how he’d get home now as the rain continued to pour down.



Just then a car stopped 



“Jack, you ok?” a voice asked

He put his hand up to see better as the rain rolled off his eyebrows.

“Do you need some help?” it was Maggie, she’d seen him fall off his bike and offered to help.

“Bikes fucked” He said.

“that’s ok throw it in the back and i’ll give you a lift” Maggie replied.

Jack wheeled his bike over to Maggies car that thankfully was more like a small van, placed his bike in the back and jumped in the passenger seat, dripping water everywhere.

“Ouch!!!” he muttered putting on his seatbelt 

“you ok?” she asked

“landed on my shoulder” he said with a grimace from the now increasing pain

“let me take care of that for you” Maggie said with a little smile on her face “ I used to be a nurse”

A huge smile beamed across Jacks face, he’d struck gold as nurses uniforms were one of his fantasies.

“Really ?” he asked surprised 

“yes for a while but I gave it up as the hours were too long and stressful” she said.



The pair continued making small talk as they drove along before arriving at Maggie’s small but pleasant terraced house, She parked the car up outside



“Leave your bike there for now, let’s get you patched up” Maggie said invitingly.

“Thanks” replied Jack wincing in pain getting out of the car.

They went inside where Jack sat in a nice comfy armchair in the corner of the room,

looking around he was pleasantly surprised that how nice Maggie's house was and how much it made his own flat look like a complete shithole.

“Wait there i’ll be right back” she said reassuringly.

“Going to slip into the uniform?” Jack joked

“ Now, now we’ve only just met” she giggled leaving the room

 she returned quickly with a bowl of foaming warm water, a towel, bandages and some ointment.

“Now just slip your top off” said ordered him firmly.



Jack removed his jacket and struggled to get his t-shirt off with his injured shoulder.



As he was struggling with his shirt Maggie noticed Jacks hard chiselled body and dragon tattoo. She felt a tingle inside of her and quickly moved round to the side of his injured shoulder. She began slowly bathing his shoulder that was grazed and weeping a little. As she wiped away gently cleaning the wound Jack began to grind his teeth as he didn’t want to seem like a wimp as the pain receptors were on overtime.

She cleaned the wound, applied some ointment and dressed it to keep it clean.

“There you go” she said pleased with her work “can I get you anything for the pain?”

“yeh please” Jack replied in agony “that’d be great thanks”.



Maggie collected all the things and disappeared for what seemed to Jack like an hour. He sat there wondering how more bizarre the day way going to get. Yet it would get more bizarre.



As Jack sat there wondering if Maggie would ever return, the door began to slowly open but nobody appeared. 

“Ohhh Jack” Maggie called in a sexy voice “I’m going to take your pain away for you, I saw how you’ve been looking at me all day at work”

With that a leg appeared from behind the door in high heels and fishnet stockings.

“well this is unexpected” claimed Jack sitting in the chair wondering what the fuck was going on.

Maggie entered the room in a skimpy little nurses outfit, the sort you see in Anne Summers or on Pornhub.

“So you like nurses do you, you bad boy!” she snarled.

Jack sat there in amazement his eyes wide open and his shoulder feeling better already.

“Fucking hell, you’re gorgeous!” he said, staring at what was in front of him in disbelief.

Maggie slowly but sexily walked towards him, as she looked down she noticed his dick getting hard.

“my, my Jack, you seem to have some stiffness in the trouser region” she grinned wagging her finger “we shall have to sort that out now, won’t we?”

Jack grabbed both arms of the chair and gulped as Maggie bent over in front of him, her cleavage right in his eyeline. He sat there staring at her breasts that he hadn’t noticed all day due to the baggy top she’d worn.



He took another gulp as Maggie sank to her knees between his legs, all the blood in his body felt like it had rushed to his cock and it was about to explode.



Maggie looked up at Jack as she reached up and undid his trousers and began to pull them down making sure not to break eye contact. Jacks heart began pounding and his knees began to shake .

“Now let me take care of that pain for you” she said still looking in his eyes, she reached inside his boxers grabbing his hard erect cock in her hand and releasing it from its cage.



Jack began to breath deeply as Maggie gently tugged on his manhood tickling the tip with her tongue. Jack closed his eyes and sunk further into the chair as he began to relax. Maggie placed her other hand on his chest and began stroking it as she took his length in her mouth sliding her lips up and down whilst rolling her tongue around his bellend.



Just as Jack was beginning to think he was in heaven, Maggie slowly removed his cock from her lips pulled his foreskin back and spat on the end of it.

The sensation sent a tingle up Jacks spine as he looked down at her, the pain in his shoulder all but gone.

She spat again and rubbed it in with her fingers looking back up at him 

“the wetter the better” she winked as she once again took the length of his cock in her mouth. 



She continued sucking and gently wanking him occasionally adding some more spit to the mix.



Jacks breath began to get harder and faster as she could feel his abdominal muscles getting tighter.

“ohhhh fuckkk” screamed Jack his head convulsing over the back of the chair as his cock now throbbing began to ejaculate uncontrollably.



Without even flinching Maggie held her breath for a moment as she  felt every pulse hit the back of her throat, swallowing each hot shot of Jacks man juice.



Then with a gasp she let go and breathed wiping a little residue from her lips

“How do you feel now Jack?” she asked standing up and adjusting her skirt.

“ I….i…iiii…… Fuckinh hell!!!” he panted “wow, mind blown, literally “

slumped in the chair struggling to catch his breath.

Maggie looked down at him and could see his cock still standing to attention

“Hhhhhmmm Jack, we are a big boy” she smiled with a glint in her eye” ready for round2?” 

“Fuck yes” he said standing up and almost falling as his trousers were round his ankles, he gathered them up as Maggie held out her hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom.



Upon entering the bedroom Jack looked around at a neat and tidy made bed, just out if the corner of his eye he noticed on the dresser a collection of sex toys.



“Fucking hell i’ve hit the jackpot” ran through his head as he stood at the edge of the bed.

Maggie turned to him stroking his hair, she gazed into his eyes and lent closer to him, whispering in his ear 

“I’m not wearing any panties”

Jacks cock began to throb again as he removed what was left of his trousers .

Their eyes briefly met as they both simultaneously went in for a kiss. As their lips locked together Maggie reached down and began stroking his cock through his boxers.



Jack couldn’t take it anymore with his one good arm he scooped Maggie up in the air, she wrapped her long legs around his waist as they continued their embrace.



“Wow Jack, you are a big strong boy aren’t you!” proclaimed Maggie as she could feel her heart beating faster and louder.

“It’s your drug you’ve given me that’s got me all pumped up” he growled in reply flinging Maggie onto the bed.

“Easy tiger” she said in surprise, her skirt riding up slightly as she landed 

“That pussy is Mine now!” Jack said lowering himself onto the bed.

He reached down and unzipped her skirt and flung it to the other side of the room.

As he glanced down he could see that Maggie’s pussy was completely smooth and shaven, it glistened as the juices began to flow.

“Shaven haven” Jack smiled!

“Waxed” Maggie interrupted “ less itching”

“Even better” Jack exclaimed as he began stroking her pussylips up and down with his middle finger before slipping it inside and twirling it around.

He moved to her side slightly to get a more comfortable position.

“Now just relax” he said calmly kissing her forehead “ this is going to be as good for you as it is for me!”

Maggie propped a pillow behind her head and spread her legs wider. Some how even though she’d just met Jack she knew she could trust him.



He slowly teased the edge of her pussy before sliding his middle and ring finger inside cupping her clitoris in his palm. His fingers curled round inside her now dripping pussy pressing on her g-spot, he slowly began to flick his fingers up and down as Maggie relaxed even more and began to gentle take deep breaths as if in some sort of meditative state.



He increased the pressure of his hand and speed of his fingers, building up then slowing down, over and over.

Maggies body began moving in a similar fashion gently rocking back and forth as she could feel the pleasure inside rippling through her.



She felt a tingle deep inside that she’d never felt before that began throbbing like never before.



Jack could feel the sensation on his fingertips

“Nearly there baby!” he said softly, As he increased his grip and pressure it felt like he was holding a bowling ball.

Then all of a sudden Maggie screamed in pleasure, Jack quickly pulled his fingers out as Maggie began to squirt all over the bed. Her body gyrating with each wave of fluid that left her.

“Fffffuuuuccccckkkk!!!!” she squealed “wha…what the fuck have you done to me” as the last bit of juice landed on the bed.

“Just a little trick I learned” winked Jack 

“Magic!” panted Maggie as she could scarcely believe what had just happened.

“Well “ smiled Jack “my nickname at work is ‘magic fingers’, not for that reason though, i’m just good at fixing thing!”

“well they’ve certainly down the trick with me, wow, never in my life have I ever squirted before” she said still catching her breath “now come here and FUCK ME!”

She pull Jack on top of her. His boxers now soaking at all the love juice that was all over her and the bed.



Jack removed his boxers and started rubbing his cock up and down her wet soaking pussy before gently sliding it inside, As he did Maggie widened her legs even further, she was now almost doing the splits as she wanted to feel ALL of him.



Jack pushed himself up slightly with his bad arm and unbuttoned Maggie’s top with the other.

Maggie could see him struggling so assisted with removing her top revealing her firm pert little breasts and rock hard nipples.

“Fuck me hard Jack, I want to be fucked like never before” She snarled spanking his ass as she said it.

“ You’re so wet and inviting it’s unbelievable “ Jack exclaimed as he slid in and out of her effortlessly thanks to amount of juice that had flowed.

“Harder, harder, fuck me HARDER” she screamed as she felt the pleasure building inside. Her legs as wide as she could possibly get them.

“I’m going to nail you to the bed you dirty bitch” Jack said gritting his teeth as the pain in his shoulder was increasing. He rammed his cock in and out as hard and fast as he could muster. As he did he could feel her pussy tighten around the head as each stroke went deeper and deeper.

“Ffffuccckkk, Jack” Maggie screamed as she could feel her insides exploding again, she pushed him away from her.

Jack immediately feeling the same sensation on the head of his penis that he did with his fingers withdrew it and started to smack it onto Maggie’s clit.

The sensations rippling up and down her again were too much, she let out a scream, gripping the bed sheets as tight as she could and what seemed like litre after litre of vaginal secreation splashed all over Jack.

“This girl is fucking amazing” Jack though to himself looking down at the absolute mess in front of him. Juices dripping from his face and chest. He lent down and buried his face in her soaking pussy and lapped at the juices flowing.



“Don’t you dare stop!” Maggie screamed in delight as the orgasmic waves continued pulsing through her whole body. Her head filled with an explosion of pleasure, her body convulsing and writhing in absolute unadulterated ecstasy. If this was an out of body experience she could quiet happily die tonight.





Jack still lapping at her juices with his tongue, rolled it around her clit, circling it as he could feel it throbbing. Maggie still rolling in pleasure grabbed his head and pushed it in deeper, stroking her breast and nipple with the other hand.



“I want you to drink me dry” she gasped throwing her head back in pleasure.

Jack powered on sucking and licking the best he could as he started suffocating his nose was so tightly pressed against Maggie’s mons pubis.

Before his life almost passed before his eyes he was getting so low on oxygen, Maggie let out a final scream so loud it almost shattered the mirror.



“fuck fuck fuck fuck, stop stop” Maggie screamed as she began crying “ I can’t take anymore, fuuuu……..ccckkkk!”



Jack although had enjoyed every single second of it was thankful he could finally breath.

“hhuuuuhhhhh” he gasped nearly passing  out “ you’re amazing and beautiful, you know?”

“oh my god, what have you done to me?” Maggie sobbed tears of joy, as her legs were still shaking uncontrollably.

“It’s not me!” said Jack profoundly “ you see i’m a gemini and you’ve unlocked my spiritual twin”

“wow, unbelievable, who’d have thought the day would end like this” said Maggie “ when I walked in that office this morning I never imagined an out of body experience”

“ Welcome to ‘lectric centre’ “ gestured Jack



they both fell about laughing.



“You will stay the night won’t you?” asked Maggie

“ooooh I don’t know about that, i’m not that sort of boy!” Jack laughed

“please, i’m lonely here on my own and feel very vulnerable now” she replied stroking his lips with her finger.

“Sure I will, besides it’s a fucking long walk back to mine and it’s a bit late now” he said.

“i know let’s freshen up and get a take away?” Maggie said excitedly jumping off the bed.

“yeh why the hell not” replied Jack collapsing back on the bed staring back up at Maggie’s hot body, he could fully appreciate just how hot she was, he smiled to himself looking her up and down again as he had done earlier that morning.

Her long legs stretching as far as the eye could see, her sweet smooth pussy and tight abs, perfectly formed perky tits, the long almost pitch black hair covering most of her back and those alluring deep green eyes. He could be in heaven right now.



Maggie walked out of the bedroom and went for a shower, while Jack just laid there smiling ear to ear. She returned a short while later wearing a fluffy bath robe and matching fluffy slippers.



“mmmm” she grinned “lovely and fresh”

“you’re beautiful” commented Jack

Maggie blushed again, “the bathrooms just on the right” pointing down the corridor

“i’ll need to change these bed sheets”

Jack just laughed and headed off for his shower.

In the meantime Maggie changed the bed sheets and ordered them both a curry from her favourite takeaway, then went downstairs.

Jack finished in the shower and found a spare robe on the back of the door, got changed and went down stairs just as the doorbell rang.

“great timing, foods here” Maggie said

“I’m starving after that “ Jack replied rubbing his belly



The pair sat down to eat their food chatting and laughing about the events that had unfolded that day before eventually retiring upstairs to bed, cuddling as they fell asleep spooning 





“Beep, beep, beep” went the alarm at 5am



“Fucks sake, that time already” yawned Jack stretching his arms up the best he could before his shoulder clicked “owww”

“Morning lover” Maggie smiled turning to face him “best nights sleep i’ve had in ages”

“Certainly was” said Jack giving her a peck on the cheek.



They both got out of bed and gathered their things before heading off to work.



“This will get tongue’s wagging” giggled Jack thinking of all the busy bodies at work that couldn’t mind their own business 

“doesn’t bother you does it?” Maggie asked

“Nah” snorted Jack “Fuck ‘em”

Maggie pulled into the car park, they both got out and proceeded inside where they were greeted by the boss

“Maggie, what a pleasant surprise” the boss said looking a little puzzled that they’d arrived together “Everything ok yesterday?”

“oh yes boss, think i’m really going to like it here at ‘lectric centre’” she replied excitedly.

“See Jack really made a good impression yesterday” the boss laughed

“Oh definitely boss” giggled Maggie “ ‘Magic fingers’ really is something”

Jack rolled his eyes as he could see the boss staring straight through him 

“Magic Fingers?” the boss now reallly looked confused

Jack just shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands about “ Magic fingers boss, good at fixing things”

The boss just shook his head clipped Jack around the ear

“Really Jack, really?” the boss exclaimed “now get some work done for a change”.6



They both went on their way onto the shop floor for another exciting day at ‘lectric centre’ and wondered where it would all lead………








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