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A Night toRemember
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: admin
Posted on: 26 Aug 1997
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A Night toRemember by HairLvr (hairlvr@mailcity.com)
Well, Mick, you talked me into submitting astory. This is a true story of an occurance a few years ago whenI was single.
Note from MickNasty: HairLvr is refering tothe IRC channel thatI host on the Undernet.
I had a girl, whom I shall call Barbara forthis story, which gave the best handjobs to me for the time thatwe had together. We met at work. She was quite tall, about5'10", and had the longest blonde hair. She was also veryhirsute. She had the most abundant blonde hair on her forearms,belly, upper thighs, and bush! She was a hair lovers dream cometrue.
Anyway, we had met at work and it was a mutualattraction. We dated few times and then it happened. I was takingher back to my house, that's where she left her car, for her togo home. We had been talking about sexual turn-ons and offs andwe both learned that we enjoyed massages and all that went withthem. We even talked about some of the different moves andtouches that can be used. By this time, I was starting to sportquite a woody. I was glad that it was dark so she wouldn't seeit. I didn't want to rush things with her at this time because wewere just starting out. We were cuddling in the truck, when Iasked her if she would like to stay for a while, as the night wascold and I didn't want to be alone. She said sure, and with that,she reached over and started to caress my hardon in my pants. Shesaid, "I thought you were never going to ask me." I hadwanted to go slowly, but now I was floored.
She continued to stroke my hard dick throughtmy pants all the way to the house. I was surprized that I wasable to contain my excitement to drive and not cream my jeansright there. We made it back to the house and then ran inside. Wecouldn't undress each other fast enough. All the time, we werecaressing each other. I was definately turned on and so was she.She said that she was having her period and didn't want regularintercourse, but she said that I could massage her and get heroff and then she would do the same for me. Who was I to arguewith her over a proposition like that?
Needless to say, it wasn't long before she hadthe first of several orgasms that night. But, that is anotherstory, I'll just say that the look and feel of her body and hairwas sending me through the roof. I didn't know how long I wouldlast once it was her turn to masturbate me.
I was as hard as a rock borer. I could havedrilled my way to China as hard as she had me. She told me to laydown on the bed and that she had some special things she wantedto do. At that, I think I grew even harder than I already was.Now, I am not the biggest in town, only 6", but it isthicker than most. And, at that moment, Barbara was making itseem bigger and thicker.
She said, "I know you liked the look andfeel of my hair, now I'm going to treat you to somethingdifferent." She then sat down beside me on the bed andstarted to very lightly stroke my cock. I thought I was going tocum right then, but I strained hard and didn't. I had alreadybeen leaking pre-cum for several minutes before this and she thentook her finger and swirled it lightly around the head, smearingthe fluid around. She said, "I want you to hold back as longas you can, and I will make it worth your while when you docum." At this, she started to stroke the head of my dickwith the hair on her forearm. I strained not to cum right then,it felt so good. It was just enough friction to feel but notenough to throw me over the edge. "How does this feel?"she said, as she was rubbing back and forth over the top and theunderside of the head. "If you keep that up, I will bespraying all over in a short time." I said. She just smiledand kept it up. Holy, Moly, was it feeling good. Then she bentdown and took a hold of her head hair and twisted it around andaround my cock. "Shit," I said, "that even feelsbetter." I was already about to unload. She suddenly backedaway, letting me go. "What's wrong?" I asked."Nothing," she said. "I just wanted to let youcool down for a few minutes before I blow your load."
She then got up and went to the dresser. Shepicked up the bottle of hand creme and came back over and satback down. "Now, I want you lay back and relax. I don't wantyou to cum yet. I will tell you when to cum." she said, asshe was sitting down. Jeppers, I thought, this girl knows how tokeep a man on the edge. "No problem." I said, but Ithought to myself how I was going to keep from cumming at thefirst touch.
She squirted a bunch of the creme in her handsand all over my cock. "This will keep the friction down fora little bit until it is time to cum." she said. "Yeah,right." I thought. Then she started to stroke my cock. Ilearned later that it is called the "tunnel of love" or"the neverending vagina" because that is what it feltlike. Like I was being thrusted into a soft neverending pussy.She would start stroking down my cock with one hand, but beforethat hand got passed the head, she would start the other handdown. She did it real slow and it really did feel good but Ididn't have the urge to cum yet. She was right, the lube helped.
She kept up the rythum, always going down,never up stroking. This lasted for just a couple of minutes. Sherelubed her hands almost without taking her hands off of me orbreaking the rythum. I started to feel the familiar feelingsreturning. I started to arch my back off of the bed. "Areyou getting close?" she asked. "Yes, very," Imoaned. She then started to speed up the stroking with her hands."Just relax and let the cum flow." "Don't holdback, it is OK, I want to see you spurting all over my hands andhairy arms, spray it all over." She insisted. That was it, Icouldn't take it any longer. "I'mcummmmmmmmmiiiiingngggg." I tried to warn her. But it wastoo late. I arched up and started cumming harder than I ever camebefore. I must have been cumming for hours, it seemed. Like yourwhole body was coming out of the hole in your cock. I shot sohard, I hit the wall and the headboard with some of my spunk. Thestains were there until I sold the bed, but that is anotherstory.
Barbara just kept stroking me, until finally Ihissed for her to stop. She was grinning from ear to ear. Shebent and whispered in my ear, "You came so hard and good,that I came again myself." All I could do at that point wasto smile and give her a hug and a kiss. Of course, that was notthe end to that night's story or to our relationship, but that isenough for now.
I still remember back to those days and toBarbara who taught me how to really love and how to enjoy theacts of masturbation. I will never forget.
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