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A Holiday Swim with Nicola

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 4 comments
11 likes 22 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Male-Female, Masturbation Male-Female, Masturbating, watching, skinny dipping, nude beach, mastubating together, holiday, friends, female friend,

A swim with Nicola on holiday.

On a holiday in the Canary Islands with some friends, there was a group of us, just me and another boy and the girls and I'd only recently met a couple of the girls in the group as they were friends of someone else. After a few days of the holiday we got to know each other and got on quite well. We were all at the beach and one of the girls, Nicola asked me if I wanted to go for a walk along the beach. I was happy to go with her so off we went.

After walking a distance down the huge beach, I started to notice that there were people all around us completely naked. I realised we had walked into the nude area of the beach.

Nicola asked me:

"Have you ever been on a nudist beach before?"

I replied that I hadn't.

"I've always wanted to try it." She said.

"Wouldn't it be weird though, being naked in front of people you don't know?" I replied.

"That's exactly it, you don't know them, they don't know you, so they don't know who you are and you'll never see them again." She continued.

"I suppose that's true." I said. 

"I just think it would feel so liberating to strip off and be able to sunbathe, or swim without anything on." Nicola suggested. "I really want to try it, will you do it with me?" She asked.

I wasn't sure. I hadn't done anything like that before, although I'd always wondered what it would be like to go skinny dipping.

"But then we'd see each other naked and we do know each other." I said.

"I really don't mind if you see me naked though. We're friends now and I know you won't judge me or anything." She continued. "I'm going to do it, I won't tell anyone else if you don't." She then reached behind her back and unclipped her bikini top, and let it fall in front of her. She then hooked her thumbs in her bottoms and slipped down her bikini bottom, and stepped out of it, now standing there completely naked on the beach. She had a great body. Small but firm boobs and her pubic hair was the same colour as her hair hair, a light brown. A lot of the people on the beach had waxed or shaved pubic areas but Nicola obviously preferred to keep hers fairly full.

"See, that was easy. And now you're the odd one out." She said, gesturing to everyone around us.

I decided to go for it and took off my shorts and soon we were stood there looking at one another. All of a sudden we laughed and Nicola said "come on, let's have a swim". And she walked into the sea and soon was covered by the water. I followed and it certainly felt great swimming with the water against your skin. 

"That feels so much nicer than with the suit on don't you think?" Nicola asked.

I agreed and admitted I was thinking the same thing.

"I'm so glad we did that." She said. "It's always been a fantasy of mine to try skinny-dipping."

I admitted that it had been for me too though I never thought there would be an opportunity to try it.

"The only trouble is, I think now I'm going to end up feeling even more horny than I have been all week already." Nicola said.

I wasn't sure what to say to this, so I just said. "What do you mean?"

"Well you know, being here having a good time, has made me feel really turned on and relaxed. And now I'll have the thoughts and image of all these naked people in my head as well." She added.

"Oh, I see." I said, not sure what else to say.

"Haven't you felt like that since you've been here then?" She asked me.

"Well, yes I have." I admitted.

She giggled and said "there you go, I thought as much."

She then asked me. "So have you been able to relieve those feelings much since we've arrived?"

I wanted to be sure what she meant so I asked again what she meant.

"Well have you, you know, pleasured yourself?"

"Oh." I said. "No, I can't do that, I'm sharing a room remember." I replied.

"So am I, but I've done it every day. I've done it in bed at night while Sarah has been asleep. And I've gone up to our room while we were down at the pool." She admitted.

"Weren't you worried she would come in or the cleaning maid even?" I said, surprised at her boldness.

"Well, a bit, yes, but it didn't take me long. I was so horny I had two orgasms in about five minutes." 

I was shocked but also turned on by her openness and admission.

"I can't believe you've not done it at all". She persisted. "You must be dying for it. How often do you masturbate normally?" She asked.

I was quite embarrassed now and said "I don't know, now and again."

"Oh come on, I won't tell on you. I do it everyday at home as well, don't worry."

"Ok, I do sometimes like to do it quite often." I admitted.

"Well you should totally do it today." She said. When we head back I'll keep guard in your room and make sure no one comes in."

I didn't really think she was serious. We finished our swim and then laid out in the sun to dry off before putting our swimwear back on and rejoining the others.

Later that afternoon we were back at the hotel and lazing around by the pool. Nicola whispered to me, "I think now might be your chance." And winked at me cheekily.

I smiled and laughed it off, but she said "I'm serious, let's go for it. No one will come in I'll make sure of it."

Her talking about it earlier had got me really thinking about it now and I had to admit I was feeling really aroused.

"Ok" I said, and she said "Pretend you are going to the toilet and I'll meet you up there".

So I went upstairs and she soon came up and met me.

"We can use my room, that way your friend definitely won't catch you." She said and we went inside. "You can use my bed, I'll watch the door and make sure no one comes in."

With that she stepped out of the bedroom and went into the living area.

I slipped out if my shorts and lay down, naked on her bed. Just knowing she was in the next room made me feel horny and I got hard almost immediately. I started to stroke myself, enjoying the sensation all the more for not having done it for a while. I closed my eyes and began to think about being at the beach earlier, Nicola's body and her admissions that she had masturbated on this very bed. I felt myself start to get excited and when I opened my eyes Nicola was stood at the doorway, watching me with a smile on her face.

I stopped and tried to cover myself as best as I could.

"Oh please, don't stop". She said. I couldn't help looking, you look so sexy lying there pleasuring yourself. It looks like you are really enjoying that.".

"Erm, yes I was. I can't do it with you watching though." I said, embarrassed.

"Well let's do it together then." She said, and with that, she stripped off her bikini in front of me for the second time in the day, and sat on the bed opposite, and lay back and reached down between her legs and started to touch herself with a contended moaning sound.

"Oh my god that feels so good, I really need this as well" she said. "After earlier at the beach I've been dying to touch myself, I kept thinking about your naked body and it was turning me on." It seemed like only about a minute and she started to have her orgasm, I watched her the whole time as she alternated between closing her eyes and watching me rubbing myself.

She kept going after she had come the first time and I soon ejaculated over my stomach, the feeling so pleasurable as well as the feeling of relief and release of frustration. We lay for a minute or so before she said. "That was such a turn on, thank you for letting me watch you."

"That's ok. Thank you too, I've never seen anyone do that before" I replied.

"Well I hope you liked it, I really did." She said. Let's head back down and the others will never know, don't worry I won't tell the girls you mastubated in their room, although I'd bet they'd be mega turned on if they knew. I bet it'd make them both want to do it immediately." 

"How do you know they do that?" I asked.

"Lol, you're not the only one I've caught, although she didn't see me watching" she said mischievously. "Trust me, you are not alone in your frustrations this week, and at least one of them has given in to temptation long before I convinced you to, the naughty girl."

That thought almost made me start to get erect again so I got up and we went back downstairs before I got too excited again.




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