An unexpected solo touch with another
I have just arrived from my home in Scotland touching down in Moscow. Its another very long flight on an extended business trip. I am very jetlagged. I take a taxi to my hotel in the centre. A very austere large building and get taken to my room which has what looks like a nice double bed with a single bed nearby. The plumbing is rather outdated and noisy but am so tired it does not matter. I sleep well. The following morning I happen to meet an American also on a business trip. He is about 35, good looking and several years younger than me. We get on well and agree to meet that evening for a drink. At about 7pm we settle down and chat about family life and work. Much in common really. We decide to have a meal together during which we gradually begin to become more personal to the extent that there comes a moment when it is not so difficult for him to ask me how I can control my sexual urges during long periods of travel away from home. I pause for a moment and decide to be quite straight about it so say I masturbate. How about you. This alone begins to break the ice. How often he asks. About three times a week on average which I suspect is less that you as you are much younger. He then begins to become much more personal. He tells me he usually satisfies himself most mornings in bed. Neither of us are now married nor indeed have been with another man but the curiosity becomes obvious. It is now about 11pm and were both tired so decide to go our separate ways. Shortly after arriving back in my room the telephone rings as I am having a shower. It is Robert (not his realm name). It so happens that he is in a room nearby on the same floor and could he pay me a visit. A minute later he arrives in his dressing robe. I welcome him in as I put a towel around me. Deep down I feel a mixture of sexual excitement and fear. I've not been in this situation before. I offer him a chair as I lay out on my bed. As he sits down his bathrobe, I suspect inadvertently, opens sideways and I can just see his semi erect circumcised penis before he wraps the robe back around him. He then moves to sit on the edge of my bed and asks if I am embarrassed. No, was that on purpose I said. Well kind of. Assuring him I was happy to continue with whatever might transpire he gently ran the palm of his hand over my chest down over my abdomen and on to my thighs. By this time I was certainly getting an erection and he obviously felt it. He then stood up, removed his robe to see he had a very inviting ,maybe six inch, hard on. Bigger than mine anyway. hard on. Standing over me as I still lay on the bed he took my hand and placed it over his erection. He began to fuck into my clenched fingers. It was already very slippery from precum to which I commented he must be ready for action. He replied Yes you bet I am, in fact my travels have prevented me doing anything for three days. I then asked him what I could do to please him most. At that point without further comment he sat straddled over my abdomen, started to stimulate himself. I watched him run the palm of his hand over the tip and the full length of his shaft and back again squeezing the t up over the tip again. As the excitement grew he lunged his body towards me, began to groan and it was not long before his orgasm came with a powerful squirt of semen landing on my chest. As he stayed erect for several more minutes I placed the palm of my hand under his balls which made him judder. He then fell forward next to me completely satisfied and tired. We both fell asleep for about half an hour.
Even at this point I had not removed my towel! Upon awaking he said he had not sought to remove it as he wanted to enjoy a new scenario and asked me what I wanted. I said I would like him to stimulate me to orgasm in any way he wished as I was interested to know if his technique was different to mine. He slowly removed my towel and lay a hand over my now stiff penis. He then lay on my chest facing away from me as he was imagining what it was like to masturbate himself with a different penis. I too found that exciting. After some adjustments to his movements it was not long before I too had cum. Nowhere near as forceful as his but he expressed great pleasure as I did.
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A foreign encounter
Posted by: cdenham
Age: 63 Posted on: 06 Feb 2014
2 likes 3358 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: masturbation, orgasm
2 likes 3358 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: masturbation, orgasm
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