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A Delicate Balance?

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 6 comments
7 likes 44 views Category: Sex Stories Female Lesbian Tags: Lesbian sex, masturbation, anal,

Dani has just spent five days with me…..which is why I am walking funny, and taking great care when sitting down on a hard surface! 

But it raised a problem….Alice. 


Alice is just on the cusp of exploring lesbian sex and just as I got her interested, Dani arrives and we proceed to fuck one another’s brains out….leaving Alice to do her job of housekeeping. 


And I felt hideous about it. I mean, what a bitch I am to have allowed that! 



Worse yet, I’m still sore down there, so I am limited in what I can do about it. And since I’m in confession mode, worse, worse  still, we flung our used clothes in the laundry for Alice to do. I like to think I’m a kind person, but fuck me…..I behaved appallingly. 



So….when Dani left, I went down into my wine cellar and chose a bottle of the best claret I have, picked up the phone and ordered a monster bouquet of flowers and some Belgian chocolates and began the repair process. Flowers arrived,, accompanied by chocolates….then I polished the dust off the wine and tied a nice bow around it and wrote a grovelling card and left everything in her room where she would find it after work. 



Tap, tap, tap. On the den door. (Which is against the rules except in emergencies.) Obviously it must be Alice…no-one else home. 



She stood in front of my desk and looked at me before asking, “Might I speak freely?” (Oh dear….here comes the bollocking of all time.) I said, “Always!” Alice took a breath and said, “You have seriously pissed me off.” (Yes, I’m not surprised, and yes, I know) “Do you seriously think I need apologising to for you and Dani? I couldn’t be more pleased for you both! Of course, you fucked each other’s brains out. I would have been surprised if you hadn’t. Thank you for the flowers and all, but seriously, you didn’t need to do any of it.” 



Well, fuck me! (Again)



“Anyway, I got my own jollies from it.” (Huh?) “She really does smell delicious, doesn’t she? I did the laundry, remember, and I know which panties are yours and which are hers.”



Well, fuck me again. (Again)



(Me) “Er…..and did you……”


“Anna, I wanked myself to heaven. And I know this. I’m ready! I really want to go for it. I want to learn all there is to learn.” 


(Oh dear) 



Which is why you find me now, dear reader, kneeling in supplicative ecstasy between her legs, her panties pulled to one side, and my tongue playing with her engorged clit. Now this we’ve done before. What was new was what I asked her to do in her mind. “Alice, I’m going to play with your bum….I want you to quell the natural feeling that nothing should be going up there and concentrate on the pleasure feelings it will give. 



And I took an absolute age to slowly, oh, so slowly insert my finger into her arse, millimetres at a time, pressing, withdrawing, pressing again, until I began to feel her meeting my pressing with downward thrusts. It felt……truly wonderful. By the time her orgasm hit, my middle finger was fully inserted into her bum and she was bearing down as hard as she could. And this was accompanied by a soundtrack of, “Oh fuck yes! Deeper. Really push!” 



The lovely Tig showed me (with diagrams, fortunately, not specimens from the anatomy lab) how a firm forward pressure which, in men stimulates their prostates, in women stimulates their uterus to some extent. 



Alice came loudly, wetly and for a very long time! And this with just a finger up there! I can hardly wait to introduce her to ‘Mike’, and maybe in time, who knows, perhaps Allan will be interested in a threesome with us both? 



Now, children…..what do you think that would feel like? 




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