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50 Strokes

Posted by: Author: Age: 50 Posted on: 8 comments
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When I was 15 my friends and I liked to play a game we called 50 Strokes. It was a game of orgasm denial, edging, and brinksmanship. We were all in the same grade so we were all at about the same stage of development in terms of puberty and maturity.

Mark was the biggest of the four of us, he had curly brown hair and was probably about 6'-2'. John was about my size, he had straight blonde hair and he went about 5'-8'. Richard had red hair and stood about 5'-10'. Richard had a clubhouse in his backyard where we would all go every day after school. The clubhouse was stocked with porn mags commonly available in the late 70's; Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler. Richard and I had invented the game, and this is how it went down the first time we played it.

Mark, John, Richard and I were all sitting around the clubhouse one afternoon drooling over our porn magazines when Richard asked 'Who wants to play 50 Strokes?' I explained the rules of the game which were that we each of us took a turn stroking our cocks 50 times while looking at our porn magazine, and the person who could go the longest without cumming would win the game. Mark and John weren't too sure about this new game but after a few minutes of calling them pussies they agreed to participate. One by one we each shed our shorts. Richard's cock was already half hard and he had a long one, probably about 8' at full mast. John and I removed our shorts at the same time, both our 5' dicks pointing straight up. Mark took off his shorts and he had a whopper, clearly the biggest of all of us. His dick was easily 10' fully erect, and it was lazily swinging between his legs along with his huge low-hanging balls.

We all sat Indian style facing one another in a circle. We each had our porn mag in front of us when Richard announced he would start. He grabbed a fist full of Vaseline and started to rub his erect penis. Slowly at first, because the Vaseline was so thick. But as it heated up from the friction he began to stroke more rapidly on his ever-hardening cock while counting out loud to 50. I was next as I was sitting next to Richard and we had agreed to go around the circle clockwise. I got a glob of Vaseline from the tub and began stroking my meat. My dick was rock hard and I was afraid that I was going to spew my goo on the first round, but somehow I made it to 50. John was next, his face got beet red as he approached 50 and I think he was about to blow but he made it. Then Mark applied some Vaseline to his monster cock and he began stroking straight out away from his body in kind of a stretching motion, all the while his cock growing bigger and bigger with each stroke. His huge ball sack swung from side to side. He made it to 50, although as soon as he stopped stroking a long string of precum oozed out of the end of his big mushroom cockhead and it just hung there swinging back and forth.

Richard started off round two and he stroked his long cock up and down but started to slow down when he got to about 30. '31, 32, 33, 34,' his balls drew up tight against his body and I knew he was going to spew it. 'Keep going you fucker,' Mark shouted and with that on the count of 40 Richard's cockhead erupted with a sperm-spewing spectacle that had us all howling with laughter when it was done. The first shot hit him square in the chin, the second and third shots flew over his shoulder. It was a lot of cum, but when it finally subsided he was sitting there with a stringy wad of cum dangling down from his chin, with all of us laughing at him.

I was still horny from the first round and I didn't think that I was going to make it through the 2nd. I began stroking my greased-up schlong and when I got to about 15 I glanced down at the wide-open hairy beaver staring back at me from the glossy Hustler magazine at my feet and that's when I sprayed it. My cumshot just popped, I had no control over it. It felt wonderful, to be releasing hot squirt after squirt of my secret sauce right there in front of my friends. When it was over, there was a large pool of white cum on the floor just under my spent balls.

At this point it was clear that none of us were going to make it to 50 strokes on the second round. I think we just focused on enjoying our orgasms and no one was going to win. John began pulling his slippery pole and around 20 he just said, 'I'm going to cum.' With that, his rocket took off shooting a river of cum that went straight up from the top of his throbbing purple helmet followed by splat after splat as his hefty load hit the floor.

Mark said, 'Here goes, 1, 2, 3, 4...' He was still stroking his cock out away from his body, pointing it at all of us. He kept stroking and counting; he almost made it to 50, but at around 45 his enormous penis began to quake and squirt cum like a fire-hose. Every single one of our magazines had some of Mark's gooey spunk on it...he just kept cumming and cumming. I had never seen so much cum in my life, it was everywhere!

That was the first time my friends and I played 50 Strokes. Afterwards the whole clubhouse reeked of cum and Richard's mom had to know what was going on later when she cleaned it. We played many times after that but I will always remember the first time.



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