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1st Bold Streak/Flash

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5 likes 100 views Category: Sex Stories Fetish Tags: Cfnm, streaking, jerking

Streak ended with a jerk.

I’ve been wanting to post this for while now but honestly been to lazy to type it up. 

I was about 16, my friends and I spent a lot of time in the summers at a nearby swimming lake. A small Midwest lake that was too small for boating but was owned by a couple who put in a nice beach and changing house. Anyway over time going there, being the horny guy I was, I noticed the water was a bit murky. I started pulling my swim trunks down and enjoying the water on my bare ass and dick. No one could see unless I would be in shallow water. Over time I started pulling them down near hot girls then progressed to taking them completely off! Several times I stood there completely naked a couple of feet from some girlfriends of mine and chatting. One lady I noticed on several visits was a lady in her 30’s I guess. Usually she had a couple of young kids with her. She was hot...huge boobs. Today I’d call her a MILF. So one day after horsing around with some friends, I noticed she was back, this time I didn’t see the kids. She was floating around on a blowup raft sunning. My friends had all gone home but I stayed to do my thing!

She was wearing my absolute favorite thing to see on a girl...a small white bikini!! I was soooo horny after seeing that. So as usual I had my swimsuit in my hands and was making my way toward her when another lady waded in and spoke to her. I found out her name was Pamela. Anyway the other lady said hi and said that looks comfy. Join me Pamela said. The other lady said she didn’t have a raft. To make a long story short. Pam said she had to run to her car to get her phone and she had another raft. I had a fantastic idea! Being extremely hard at the time I was going to follow her into the parking lot and bulge flash her. I watched her walk up the beach and the walkway to the lot. I grabbed my towel to cover up till I got off the beach. So when I got to the lot I noticed there was now one else around just a bunch of cars...better idea! I was so horny I thought what if I was to take my suit off and just walk by her! So that’s what I did. I stripped down...waited till she closed the door of her van then walked her way. There were several car between us so she couldn’t see till she walked passed the car in front of hers and into the driveway. When she cleared that car she turned toward me and saw everything! She let out a big chuckle laugh but kept walking. I’ll never forget what she said, ”Forget something there stud?”

I’d been trying to think of what to say beforehand and the best I could come up with was, “No, but with all you hot girls in bikinis it just got too uncomfortable to wear!”

As we walked closer she said, “Aww, well I’m taken sweetie, but I love the compliment! You just wanted me to see you naked didn’t you?”

I just nodded my head. “Well I did and you better put something on before someone catches you.“ As we passed she said, “Very nice by the way!” I just said thanks and walked into the woods on my way home and took care of my frustrations...if you know what I mean.



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