Search Results for: shower

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  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Slippery WhenHorny by Purple This is how I like to do it. I lie flat on my back on a big sheet ofplastic, preferably a shower curtain. I pour baby oil or someother slimy or slippery lotion, all over my body except the hairand lie back letting the oil roll down my belly into everycrevice of my body, my cut 6.5 inch ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 2 comments
    2 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    How many of you jack off guys out there on the internet talk to your cock....Tell it how fuckin good it makes you feel.....Tell it how hot you get when the two of you play with each other?? I talk to my cock all the time.....Today when I was drivin home from work, I could feel by best buddy startin to grow inside my pa... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    HotelMasturbation Hi mick Im an 19 year old male from LA my firstmain experiances were when i was 13-14 and i did a lot ofexperimenting my first joyous experiounce was when i was 14 inthe 8th grade at the begining of my summer my father and i wentto San Francisco this hotel had the best showers they pulseatedand ooooo... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    FormerMother-in-Law by PaulI've been wanking my man toy since I was about9 or 10. Today I'm 60, have been married and divorced. I have awonderful sex life with my present woman but still masturbatedaily. The following is a story about my former mother in-law andhow she masturbated me.My mother in-law had an exquisite a... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 26 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Lonely CollegeDays by GeoffI am a 21 year old male college student who lovesmasturbating! Ironically, I usually fantasize about womenmasturbating when I masturbate. Aside from my current and pastgirlfriends I have never been able to see someone masturbate,until recently. While seeing girlfriends pleasure themselves was... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 26 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Showing Off by (,So glad you found a stable home, really enjoy the page. I wishI had access to a scanner so I could contribute to the pictures.They really get me going! My latest story (earlier post abouthitchhiking was mine) to tell has to do with traveling onbusiness. I was in Sa... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Waterfall by Alegro My wife fell on the last day of teaching this year andfractured both her right wrist and knee. She has been first incasts and now in braces for six weks with another six or so togo, including physical therapy. Needless to say I have beenjacking off even more often than usual since my wife has not b... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Unusual Places by Steve Here I mention some places where Ihave masturbated. Keep in mind that when I say I did it, I mean Imasturbated at least once and probably more times. I have masturbated in my officeand with other guys over the internet. I have watched guysmasterbate on my PC as personal amateur show. I have ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Dojo Peep-Hole by Coolhands ( started teaching karate when I was 19 yearsold at a karate school a few miles from where I lived at thattime. I had several interesting voyeuristic experiences while Iwas there.... It turns out that, at some point, one of myinstructional colleagues there had bored a lit... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 14 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    MORE WITH DORIS by ( Jensen became my teacher in a lot ofthings during the few months I stayed with her and Dan. Danusually worked nights so there was able opportunity for us to bealone together.Since the previous incident occurred on aFriday night, I didn't have any disco... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 14 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    First TimeSeeing a Woman Masturbate by ( Krista and everyone else! I just found this page and like may others havealways looked for a place to share my experiences and fantasieswith. It is such a delight to find there are so many people likeme! It is especially comforting and... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Set-Up: Deja Vu by ( a great day, cross-country skiing with mychildhood, best friend, Jay, and his girlfriend, Judy, we hadseveral beers relaxing by the fire. We agreed to meet at thecommunity sauna. Jay and I headed first to the shower andstripped down in the dimly li... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Aug 1997 0 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    For the Womento Enjoy I thought I would send in a coupleof my masterbation experiences for the women to enjoy. Obviously, like most men Imasterbate a great deal when not in a relationship. Usually, 5 ormore times a week. I find it to be a stress reliever and for mostextremely enjoyable. Being out on business thro... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 04 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    On the Road by AnonymousI have been reading your page formonths, and finally, a few weeks ago, it happened. I was with agood friend on vacation. We had been out drinking and came backto our hotel. We began joking around about masturbation and justhow we would achieve this without doing it in the shower becausewe were i... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 28 Jul 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Hey, Brian. I love Club Stroke, and I have a story for you. It is definitely NON-fiction, and I remember it very vividly. You may post my e-mail address if you like. Steve. This happened last March, but I wrote it up the next day while my memory was fresh. Wrote it up my favorite way, too, sitting naked in front of my... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 28 Jul 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Cum Lovers Tags: Anal, jerk off
    Hi! I've been working up a really hot fantasy involving cum that I would like to see turn into reality one day. If there are any readers out there from Toronto who get off on this scenario, drop me a line! I'm really into semen and love sucking young cute guys with nice throbbing dicks and feeling their big hot loads o... » Read more

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