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  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 22 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Sister'sSleep-in Party by ZoroHi Mick,I am 31 years old, so I havemasturbated numerous times. There are many that are imprinted inmy memory, I often replay them in my mind which usually gets megoing again. I enjoy your site, here an episodefrom early life... My sister who is 4 years older washaving an all-girls nite at... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    BedtimeStories by ( is a true account of how Ipet with my life's love.We have slept well as I roll on myside facing my love. She turns her back to me, and I pull hercloser, smelling her hair, feeling her buns against my harderection. I involuntarily hump as she presses back, still ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 1 comments
    2 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Masturbating Mostof His Life I've been masturbating since I was13. My first memory was being asleep, and being aware thatsomehow I had had grown a third leg! It truly felt as big as myother two legs, and in my half awake state, it did not seemstrange, just wonderfully good as I lay on my stomach and thrustmy hips agai... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Interrailing by AnonymousHi,I am a 26 year-old swedishman, who just loves this page. I want to tell you a story thathappened to me when I was about 22. I have always been a frequentmasturbator, even when I have had relationships. In the summer of-92, a friend of mine and I went Interrailing across Europe. Wevisited sev... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    When We WereYoung by AnonymousNicole was my second cousin. Wehad been good friends from very little. I had always had a crushon her ever since I was able to have crushes. I am four yearolder than she is and she has always looked up to me as a bigbrother. But even as young kids we could talk to each other aboutour more ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Cumming andGoing by Freddie ('ve posted to newsgroups aboutwanting to find other men who enjoy drinking a beer or two whilewatching XXX. A guy emailed me that he was interested and I heardfrom him after I gave him my phone number. Jim came over and wasrather shy at first... He looked to be in his ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    The Girl'sLocker Room by ( for providing this forumfor all of our enjoyment. I would like to do my part to add tothis. In order to earn some money Ifound a job as a lifeguard during the summer while I was in highschool. In my opinion, this was the perfect job! Although... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 09 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Car Fun by Anonymousi was in the car on a trip toSouth Carolina with my girlfriend, sitting in the back seat at atruck stop. she was really horny so she kept feeling my dick. shefinally said to me quietly, " i want you to finger mypussy." i put my hand between her knees and started movingit down to her wet cunt. i told... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 09 Jul 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Peeper by Anonymous My parents divorced in the Seventies after Igraduated from high school. My mother (a teacher) boarded somefemale student teachers when I was away at college and Ioccasionally would stay at home on a weekend when they werethere. This always gave some opportunity for peeping, even if itwas just a gli... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 06 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Mandy's Window by BurnsyMick,Glad to see you're still with us! Here is astory of a little peeping experience I had as a teenager! I hopeyou find it suitable to post.My younger brother hung out with this group offriends when he was in junior high. I heard several of themtalking one day about a girl in my class her name ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 29 Jun 1997 0 comments
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    OurFirst Phone Sex by ChrisWell this is thelittle of story of mutual masturbation on the phone with myselfand a girl I met on the net. I will start off by giving you alittle background on both of us, so you can have a better feelabout us. We had met in achatsite. I guess I got lucky when she posted me after I hadbitche... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 23 Jun 1997 0 comments
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    Fun in theDressing Room by ( am 18 years old and havepracticed my little hobby for about six years now. Through all ofmy fantasies over all of the beautiful girls through all of myjunior high and high school years nothing tops the story I amabout to tell.About two years ago I was ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 23 Jun 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Masturbation Techniques by Preston Wow, this really is a cool page! I thinkits goo to share your sex stories. How I first discoverd how tomasterbate was when I was 13, by accedent (a good kina accident).I was lying awake in my bed on my stomach and I think I had aitch or something I was waring some brand new sweats so... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 23 Jun 1997 0 comments
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    FastestGun in the West by Rick ( page gets me really workedup! Especially reading what the women do. A lot of you womendescribe water in the bathtub. It works for men too! A favoriteis directing a pulsing stream of water at my groin and thenholding my cock up so that it hits right on that favo... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Jun 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    CloseCousins I am not sure why it took me solong to learn how to masturbate, but it wasn't until theincredible summer of my fourteenth year. I had hit puberty a fewyears earlier and was starting to fill out. It was late int hesummer and almost time for school and cross country/trackpractice. I had spent a lot of time ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Jun 1997 1 comments
    1 likes views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags:
    Hi Crissy (andyour brother) by LennartI read your story with pleasure,indeed it gave me a turn-on... ( I have in fact masturbated tothat story some times afterwards...)My name is Lenn and I am now 43years old, living in Sweden. Excuse me for my bad englishsometimes, but you'll probably understand the most of itanyhow..... » Read more

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