Search Results for: Young

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  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    My Very FirstTime by CocknahDuring my late teens I dreamed of beautiful women and had mycollection of pictures that I drooled and wanked over on everyoccasion I could. As I had no sisters but a few girl cousins whovery occasionally came to stay. I was always very curious about awoman's body and was in awe of the effect... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 26 Aug 1997 2 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    My name is Jice and this happend to me about 5 years ago. I had read an ad in the local gay newspaper about a party in Center City( Philadelphia, PA) and the host was looking for 5-7 young guys to work the crowd so to speak. I called the guy up and he interviewded for the position, after he asked a few questions he tol... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 26 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    In The Lab by AnonymousI am a twenty-three year old college student who, like most ofthe frequenters of this page, loves to masturbate. I am a"straight"ish male, with a live-in girlfriend of twoyears and yet with a few bi experiences under my belt(so-to-speak). Being a student, the money isn't flowing my waylately, so ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Pick-up in aPick-up by JamesI don’t know if it’s just me or not,but the notion of having a sexual encounter with a total strangerin an unlikely situation has always been a major turn-on!Unfortunately it never seems to happen to me. Well, I must admitthat I did have ONE such encounter, and it was my only biexp... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Dojo Peep-Hole by Coolhands ( started teaching karate when I was 19 yearsold at a karate school a few miles from where I lived at thattime. I had several interesting voyeuristic experiences while Iwas there.... It turns out that, at some point, one of myinstructional colleagues there had bored a lit... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Summer Camp by AnonymousEvery summer I used to goto sleep away camp for amonth...(always the best month of the summer). We had cabinswhich held 8-10 kids. I believe i was entering the 7th or 8thgrade. the cabin i was assigned to was set up so that all 10 bedswere in a straight row everyone could see everybody wh... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    Young Cowboy ona Train by (, I am 51 now, but I still remember a Hot(inmore ways than one) day in June of 1968. I was just 22 back thenand you younger folks can believe it or not, but I didn't knowmuch about women. Sure I knew how to look at them and come toattentio... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 28 Jul 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Cum Lovers Tags: Anal, jerk off
    Hi! I've been working up a really hot fantasy involving cum that I would like to see turn into reality one day. If there are any readers out there from Toronto who get off on this scenario, drop me a line! I'm really into semen and love sucking young cute guys with nice throbbing dicks and feeling their big hot loads o... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 22 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    Truth Or Dare by Brain Deadhey, great page. wish u would update it soon though, o love toj/o to the women's stories. anyway, i am a 20 yr-old straightmale. i would like to remain anonymous. one of my favorite masturbation experiences was when i wasaround 11 years old. i didn't know much about masturbation or sexthe tim... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 22 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    More Cousins by Hamish (sporran42@hotmail)I was 16, and was packed off tospend the summer at the Cape Cod beach house of my aunt anduncle. I hadn't seen that branch of the family for years, so Iwas surprised to discover that my 3 cousins had turned into quiteattractive young women of 19, 21, and 24. What made them even... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 22 Jul 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Pre-Video Age by Joe If you grew up in thepre-video age, you recall that home movies were still a matter of8mm movie cameras grinding away in the hands of father or uncle,usually resulting in miles and miles of poorly exposed andludicrously framed and composed footage of family membersclowning in the back yard. In my ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 16 Jul 1997 0 comments
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    When We WereYoung by AnonymousNicole was my second cousin. Wehad been good friends from very little. I had always had a crushon her ever since I was able to have crushes. I am four yearolder than she is and she has always looked up to me as a bigbrother. But even as young kids we could talk to each other aboutour more ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 12 Jul 1997 2 comments
    2 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    by Mike This is a true story. I arrived home late one evening after a night out with my friends. I was feeling pretty good from all the alcohol I drank that night. When I entered the house there were a bunch of my younger brothers friends passed out all over the house. Must have been a good party. I was tired so I wen... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 09 Jul 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Peeper by Anonymous My parents divorced in the Seventies after Igraduated from high school. My mother (a teacher) boarded somefemale student teachers when I was away at college and Ioccasionally would stay at home on a weekend when they werethere. This always gave some opportunity for peeping, even if itwas just a gli... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 09 Jul 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Bus Wank by I had my car in for service lastweek, so I had to catch public transport for 3 days: I live on a mountain - roads are abit rough, surrounding plains are industrial/residential mix: Busses are standard - rows 2 seatswide down either side of bus, but long bench seat down od bustowards rear: I sat in 2 ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 06 Jul 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    by CuriousAZ This my true story of a time that I wish I could experience again. I had transferred from one city and moved to another city. Although I am shy and closeted, I have not disclosed my thoughts and actions to my family and friends. While driving at night from one area of the city to the other, I noticed a yo... » Read more

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