Search Results for: Wife

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  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 24 Nov 1997 0 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Getting off in the great outdoors! by Anonymous I have been masturbating since I was about 14, and have done it in a lotof different settings. Last year I went backpacking (alone), into a mountainous wilderness area on the weekendbefore July 4th. I was very hot and sweaty when I arrived at my chosen campsite, and t... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 24 Nov 1997 0 comments
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    Truly Thick Load by AnonymousThe following story is TRUE and alwaysproduces a thick load for me whenever I think about how hard and much I came when I wasliving it. It was his junior summer and the first time he ventured to Manhattan from thedull suburbs of Baltimore. He was eager to discover what the city had to offer... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 24 Nov 1997 0 comments
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    Japanese Experience by AnonymousHey Mick,I found your page and it sure is great. I am on extended temporary assignment in Japanand I have found a way to further help keep me loyal to my loving wife. My story is aboutme and my wife. When we met over 7 years ago I was 24 and she was 21. Our relationshipcame to a point to... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 24 Nov 1997 2 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags: Flashlight
    My first time at age 6 by Anonymous I was just about six years old and I was taking a bath and soaped up my hand so that Icould wash my penis and began to rub the head with my soapy palm, wow, did it ever feelgood, I kept doing it and got an erection and finally reached orgasm. Later I found thatstokeing it gave the s... » Read more
  • Ken

    Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 21 Nov 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    I was married at the time- and truthfully kinda lonely for some male companionship. And i don't mean just sex - though i must admit given the temperament of my first wife i was lonely for good sex too. I was in my late 20's at the time and beginning to feel good about being out of school and being professionally establ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 15 Nov 1997 1 comments
    3 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    by Dickhead It was a dark and stormy night and I was looking after a friends house during the summer vacations. I had invited a school friend over for a few days to keep me company and also because I was curious to get to know him better. We had been friends for a few years now and I had always been open with him but ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 23 Oct 1997 0 comments
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    Caught You by J WoodI have masturbated since I was 11 or 12. I grewup with an older brother who supplied me with magazines that Iloved to use in my masturbation sessions. I especially lovedreading about the sexual encounters of others. But the ones thatreally got my juices flowing were the stories of ladies whopleasure... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 21 Oct 1997 2 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Cum Lovers Tags:
    by My name is Jim J. and you can contact me at: Please post this true story in your "cum lovers" area. When I was about 24 years old I was married and loved sex with my wife, however I had had a jack off buddy from the time I was 13 and we did it all and loved it, so I still w... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 11 Oct 1997 0 comments
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    Wife'sCousin by RobertoThis is a real story that happened a few monthsafter getting married. Involves a cousin of my wife and myself.The cousin and I had made love once before I got married, butonce I pronounced my vows, had strong intentions of beingfaithful. The cousin is very pretty, has great body,excellent breasts... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 05 Oct 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Ed. note: I wanna hear more about this....and I want a picture of that cock with lots of cum streaming down it!! I just found your site - it is unmatched on ANY SITE on the web. I am 27, tall, muscular build and considered good looking. When I was 17, I had my first sexual encounter with another person. It was with a g... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 25 Sep 1997 1 comments
    0 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    The following story is TRUE and always produces a thick load for me whenever I think about how hard and much I came when I was living it. Hope you enjoy it. It was his junior summer and the first time he ventured to Manhattan from the dull suburbs of Baltimore. He was eager to discover what the city had to offer. I rem... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    MarvelousMark by AnonymousWhen I was in 6th grade, a friend of mine, Mark, asked me if Ihad ever masturbated. I told him no and asked him about it. Hetold me ask my parents if I could spend the night and he'll showme. After my parents agreed, us boys were very excited. Later that night at Marks house, his dad went off ... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 0 comments
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    My Wife and I by AnonymousMick,My wife and I have been together for 10 yearsnow, and it's taken this long for her to open up sexually. Thehottest thing she does for me is masturbate herself to an orgasmwhile I do the same. Simple things in life. She'll start by rubbing the insides of herthighs, telling me that she want... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 07 Sep 1997 -7 comments
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    Four for the Show by Robert SteeleNeedless to say, the four of them became veryfast friends. Instead of watching each other through windows andacross the expanse of the back yard, they now frequently could befound in each other's houses doing the Monkey Spank. As new andexciting as this was, the novelty soon wore off a... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
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    She Loves toShow Off by AnonymousMy name is Jon and I am a 27 year old male. About 4 years agoi was living in New Orleans and was introduced to the pleasuresof swinging and group masturbation. I never knew what a turn onit was to be watched till one night I'd gone out with somefriends. We went to Bourbon street stoppin... » Read more
  • Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: admin Posted on: 19 Aug 1997 0 comments
    1 likes views Category: Sex Stories Male Gay Tags:
    Waterfall by Alegro My wife fell on the last day of teaching this year andfractured both her right wrist and knee. She has been first incasts and now in braces for six weks with another six or so togo, including physical therapy. Needless to say I have beenjacking off even more often than usual since my wife has not b... » Read more

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