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Happy Birthday Maisie

Adopted by her Aunt Beatrice and Uncle Hiram as a small child, Maisie has lived a free and comfortable life under their care. Her own parents died in a terrible tragedy, a botched car-jacking (isn't that the way most of these stories have to explain the awkward arrangements?)


Uncle Hiram and Aunt Beatrice, childless to that point, raised her as their own, giving her permission to be the person she wanted to be and not forcing her into any beliefs or activities she did not want to pursue. Thus, Maisie grew up feeling loved, respected, and completely confident.


Today is her 18th birthday and it has caused Uncle Hi and Aunt Bea to reminisce fondly.  The scene is in her bedroom. Maisie has just stepped out of the shower and is getting dressed for a nice evening out to celebrate.


She is a late bloomer. And she is quite disappointed that her body is not more curvaceous and developed as her Aunt Beatrice's body. She has showered with Auntie since childhood so she knows whereof she speaks. Nor is she embarrassed around Uncle Hi, as they maintain a very open and accepting household, encouraging her to run around in-the-altogether whenever she chooses, but not when company is expected. Hiram and Beatrice do not go around naked but do not shut doors either. 


Thus, on this special birthday, it was no big deal for Uncle Hi to ask to see her in her room. He came in and sat on her bed. She had begun to dress after her shower. "No need to dress, Maisie, dear. It's your birthday and I want to discuss your gift." So, Maisie slid down the panties she had started to don, and stood before her uncle.


Aunt Beatrice, with iPhone camera in hand, came in a moment later, smiling at the elfin-looking brunette. "Happy birthday to our young woman. We are proud of you. The years since you moved in with us have been among the very best in our lives. I hope we have been good parents to you.” 


She blushed at the thought that she has been so welcomed. She can hardly recall her parents, giving all her affection to Beatrice and Hiram and receiving all of theirs. Besides the allowance for nakedness in the home, she occasionally saw her aunt and uncle touching one another.


“Yes, of course, you have. You’re the best. I am so happy to be here and love you so much. I don’t even recall that much about my mom and dad except what you have told me when we look at pictures. Are you worried that I do not appreciate you two?” A look of fear showed on her face and her chest flushed with anxiety causing her little nipples to harden.


“Oh no, dear. We feel your love as deeply as we hope you feel ours,” Hiram began. "It’s just that I have been thinking about your mom a lot lately. Maisie, you remind me so much of your mother, Patricia. She was such a wonderful sister to me and we enjoyed each other very much. You look like her and I have the same reaction to seeing you standing here as I did when I saw her naked."


"You did? I mean, you do? I mean, what do you mean exactly?" It was not difficult for Maisie to imagine her mom being naked around Hiram. It was a household custom she had grown up with. But what did he mean by his reaction to seeing her today? 


Now, Maisie, it must be understood, was sweet, but not unaware. She knew what sex was. She had often frigged herself and even kissed a girl at a party once. And Maisie had on occasion glimpsed Uncle Hiram's penis both flaccid and erect. So, she was quite curious about what he may have meant.


"Well, to start with, you are almost identical to her. She was not very tall, slim, and had that same lush brown hair that you do. And it was as long, hanging down halfway to her bottom.” He smiled up at Maisie, recalling his sister's image. “And her skin was as flawless as yours. Perfectly smooth and soft."


Maisie liked the compliments as it told her something of her heritage. "Thank you for saying that. I feel sometimes that I have not developed as I should. I mean Auntie," looking at Beatrice, "you have larger breasts than I do and your bum is so much rounder. I worry I will not be attractive. I am smaller than the girls at school, too. And Justin told me in class that I was a carpenter's dream: A real flat board." Her eyes were full but not tearing. 


Hiram smiled kindly. "Well, then I am glad I told you that you are such the image of my dear sister," placing his hand on her hip, patting it softly. "And to tell you the truth, I think you are lovely. Boys are just assholes."


Both Beatrice and Maisie giggled at that last comment. With her head titled a bit leftward in curiosity, Maisie pressed a bit.  "But what reaction? You said you have the same reaction to seeing my mom"


"I loved to see your mom naked. We were as comfortable being naked as we were with our clothes on. Neither of us had friends close by, so we were constant companions. We watched each other grow up and watched our bodies change. Over the years, as I have watched you, I have had the pleasure of remembering our childhood innocence."


Maisie stood, arms at her side, waiting for him to continue. 


"So that is part of my reaction: happy memories."


She cocked her head the other way now. "Part of the reaction?" She let the question hang there in the room. In her mind though, she was unfolding secrets she had stored in her imagination. As she matured, the simple joy of being naked whenever she chose, was complemented by the awareness that both her aunt and uncle enjoyed Maisie flaunting her little body. So, she teased them, wiggling her cute little bottom, jumping into Hiram's lap, cuddling naked against Beatrice on the couch. "Could Uncle Hiram be turned on by me as much I imagine?" she wondered.


Hiram didn't answer right away. He stared into her eyes, then let them roam along the lithe form in front of him. Her shoulders were so soft. Her small breasts, barely an A-cup were tender-looking, invited a gentle nuzzle. Her nipples sat in the midst of tiny areolae, but they were hard and firm, responding both to the way she was being examined and in response to the thoughts in her head. She felt a fullness between her legs and recognized she was getting wet.


"Go on, dear, tell her. Tell Maisie what she does to you." He looked at his wife and replied, "You’re sure?" Knowing Beatrice had her own sexual thoughts about the nymphish niece, he wanted to be sure they were told as well. 


Maisie waited patiently. Then Hiram began again, this time a bit hoarsely. "Well, your mother and I enjoyed exploring each other. And as I have watched you over the years, I have had thoughts of exploring you too." He let that message sit on her mind for a moment. Then with both hands on her hips, he pushed her back a step so he could examine her more fully. 


"No, you have no worries about becoming an attractive woman, Maisie. You are very attractive to me. I want to touch you and kiss you all over your body, just as I did with your mom when she and I were youngsters..." His voice caught and a lump grew in his throat. "And when we were older." He had done it, told his niece that he and her mother were still sexual even as adults. This raised more questions for her, but they could be explored later. She was relishing how her uncle was looking at her.


Her skin flushed all over and she leant her head coquettishly to the side and smiled. "I like how you look at me. I have always liked being naked with you and Aunt Beattie." She turned around so he could see her firm little bum, leaned over and looked at him over her shoulder. "Do you like looking at me this way too?" He swallowed hard and croaked, "Yy..yes. Very much. You are sweet enough to eat."


Maisie took a step to spread her legs and, placing her hands on the back of her thighs, asked, "Do I remind you of my mom, now, too?" She slowly spread her cheeks giving him a view of both her adorable wrinkled star and the moist butterfly wings that guarded the entry to her vagina. Beatrice was also looking intently, but then remembered to take some snaps, birthday party pictures.


Maisie, still watching her uncle, took a step backward toward him so that her bottom was less than a foot away from his face. Hiram could smell her delicate aroma, could see the brown, wrinkled entry, and could see her lips puffed and deepening in color. 


"Did you look at my mom this way, too?"


His face burned. "I did. Except she never shaved herself. She had a lovely thick bush of hair that I...." He broke off the sentence when a spontaneous feeling came over him. He leaned in expecting to bury himself in her, but she quickly stood and turned about facing him again. The disappointment was evident on his face. Her smile told him she was teasing him, making a little game of the display.


"But you were going to tell me about the reactions," she coaxed him.


Beatrice now felt her own wetness. Still holding the camera, she began to pull her arms together, squeezing her breast, feeling her nipples distend. She looked at Hiram and nodded her assent for him to go on.


"Well my dear Maisie, you give me certain feelings, just as your mom used to do. My body cannot lie. Your body is so attractive to me. Seeing you here like this takes me back years and I feel young and I want to do to you, with you, things your mother and I used to do."  


She wrinkled her brow as if she still did not understand. She did understand, however, but wanted him to be explicit. "Are you feeling that way now?" She smiled at him and then toward Beatrice, she winked. "That clever little minx," thought Beatrice. She is no longer the innocent girl we have known. She really is becoming a woman.


"Show me, Uncle Hiram. Show me what your sister did to you. What I do to you. I ought not be the only one naked here."


With that, she helped him to stand and, lifting his striped shirt, began to unbutton his jeans. She knelt down to give her leverage to pull them down, thus she was at eye-level with the wet spot that had formed on the front of his jeans. "Hmm...this must be part of the reaction," she said loud enough for him to hear her.


She tugged a little more and saw the place where his cock joined the rest of his body. He was hairy, a little grey mixed in with thick dark brown. She could hardly wait to tug the pants the rest of the way and release his entire penis. Hiram's cock flung into view as the trousers were pulled down. It nearly hit Maisie in the face as it swung by.  


"Why Uncle Hi, your penis is so strong and firm! Is this my birthday present?" A drop of pre-cum had formed at the tip of his penis, the crown was deeply colored, and the veins on his cock were pulsating. "May I?" and she reached out to hold it. 


Hiram was aroused, but not aware he was so on edge. The moment Maisie wrapped her fingers around his cock, Hiram felt his ball contract. He was immediately beyond the point of inevitability.  Maisie felt his cock swell in her hand and saw his ball sac start to tighten. Beatrice was still filming with her iPhone and could not take her eyes off the screen.


"Maisie, I'm...I'm...! Oh dear god, I am going to shoot all over you." And he began to spurt hot thick wads of cum in her direction. The first shot made her wince, but she quickly recognized what was happening and directed his cum blasts toward her tits. He was emptying out several days' worth of cum so his orgasm was deep and long.  


"Oh! That is so much! I love it!" She said giggling as she looked down at her chest and took in the sight of her tits covered in the creamy, hot spend. 


Hiram was desperately trying to catch his breath and sat down again on the corner of the bed. He looked up at Maisie who had a puzzled look on her face, now. Before he could ask, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face into her. She held his face against her body right in the midst of his cum. Instinctively, he began to lap it up. She allowed him to shift to her nipples as he laved his tongue all across her lively body. "That’s it, Uncle Hi, someone has got to clean up from this party.' 


Beatrice was staring intently at the scene she was filming, amazed at the effect their dear little niece had on him. It was so hot to see her husband licking his own cum from another woman's body. Maisie looked in her direction, smiled and said, "Well, happy birthday to me, I guess."


Maisie tipped Hiram's face upward and leaned in and put them nose to nose. "Do I get a birthday kiss?" and she pressed her lips to his, tasting his cum in their mouths. 


Still dazed from his premature ejaculation, Hiram could hardly believe how precocious Maisie was. How did she know how to bring me off and make me lick up my cum? And that kiss! It's like I got the present instead of her.


Beatrice now intervened. Placing the iPhone down on the bed, she put an arm around Maisie and led her onto the bed. "Now, dear, let's see if we can make you feel as good as you made Uncle Hi feel…"



Posted on: 2024-05-12 18:01:01 | Author: