True Confession: I once removed the condom without asking.

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True Confession: I once removed the condom without asking.

Post by tjones28 »

To be clear, this experience was a lot of fun. But MAN was I a fucking maniac at 19.

I was hooking up with a girl we’ll call Ashley. She’d been a friend first, now we were having sex. I had a second FWB who I won’t get into (though I was getting into them both all the time back in that first year of college…lol). Ashley was a brunette with long flowing hair that she by now kept in a ponytail. She had a somewhat pudgy face, looked like she was always about to ask a question. It was cute, I thought.

So Ashley and I returned from a night of partying on a Thursday night in February. We’d gone to multiple parties and gotten drunk and I’d done some coke. So I was a little amped up. We got busy pretty quickly. I remember eating her out on the rug for some reason…when we moved to the bed I initially put a condom on. I was on top and going steady, but something about the chemical combination in my brain, plus the fact that I had had some unprotected sex in recent months and REALLY preferred it, made me pull out. I unrolled the condom and chucked it into some far corner. Ashely watched me do everything. Kept her legs loosely around me, didn’t say anything. I did hesitate for a second, looking at her eyes, thinking, damn am I seriously about to do this?

And I seriously did. I re-entered her bare. She opened her mouth as soon as I started pushing inside her and let out a very drawn out gasp. Clutched her legs together across my butt. I knew she’d never done it this way before. I whispered to her that this was going to feel awesome, just wait, it would be the best sex ever. She just asked me to be careful.

I started off slow. Sped up. Hoisted up her legs and spread them. Kinda sorta fucked her brains out. I know this is already incredibly wrong and there’s no excuse for me doing this, but I will say that she really got into it, which made me more able to bury the knowledge that I was being a toxic asshat. After what felt like ten minutes or so, I felt her get tight and wet and she grabbed on to me and said that I was gonna make her cum.

YOU try pulling out in this situation.

I watched her cum first - all bucktoothed and red-faced - and nutted inside her. Balls deep. Made no attempt to pull out.

The next morning we had breakfast together and went on something like an actual date and it felt all lovey-dovey…then I most likely went to see the other girl I was with, and had sex with her. Lol. Things did get awkward between Ashley and I shortly after. We started seeing less of each other and called it quits in less than two more weeks. It took me several years to realize what I’d truly done and how uncomfortable it might have made her feel, retrospectively anyway.

At the same time…I still think it’s sexy. Maybe in ten years I won’t think it’s sexy anymore.
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Re: True Confession: I once removed the condom without asking.

Post by agentoffortune »

Sometimes in the heat of the moment some wild things happen.
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Re: True Confession: I once removed the condom without asking.

Post by iamnaked »

It was always said that wearing a condom was like taking a shower with a rain coat on.
I always used them because without them I was a premature ejaculator.
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