voyeur bedroom

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voyeur bedroom

Post by scorpio0 »

Have you ever watched parents while they had sex?Do you know anything about their sexual life?
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by exemacs »

sort of yeah
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by easypeasy »

Well, I've mentioned my hippie "free love" family upbringing, so yeah. From an early age, I saw my parents have sex with each other, and have sex with other people. I remember I used to walk in after my parents had sex and I knew they had finished, and I'd crawl on top of my dad's back and lie down and say we were a sandwich, and my mom and I were the bread, and my dad was the mayonnaise lettuce and cheese (because that was my favorite sandwich at the time.)

I walked in on my dad having sex with my grandmother once--my mom's mom, not his mom. I also remember my mom having sex with another guy once, and walking in while he was fucking her doggy style, and I could see his balls hanging down, and I don't know what came over me, but I just reached out and poked them! He yelped, and they stopped fucking, and my mom thought it was hilarious, so he eventually started laughing, too.

There was this pond we used to swim at near our house that wasn't a public swimming area, just one of those places you can find out in the country, and my family used to all swim naked there, except I was too self-conscious, so I'd wear a bikini. I got out of the water once and didn't know where my parents were but I needed to ask a question, so I walked off into the bushes to find them, and I stumbled across them in a clearing. My dad was fucking my mom from behind (she must have liked it that way?), and just as I walked up, he groaned, and my mom saw me and kind of shouted, and he pulled out really quick, and I saw him shoot his load on my mom's arm. I clearly remember the glistening jizz on her arm.

We also used to go swimming at this local hippie beach that was an unofficial nudist beach, so I saw lots of other adults naked, and my whole family would get naked, so I saw my sister and my brother and their spouses all naked and swimming there. Sometimes other families would have kids who would go naked, too, so I saw some other kids my age, which was weirder for me than seeing the adults. One time, my family hiked into the back country woods and found a mountain lake to camp by, and we all went skinny dipping. I remember sitting around on the beach drying in the sun, and my mom commenting on all the different colors of our pubic hair. That's something I've used as a masturbatory fantasy for years. I always think about my mom commenting, and that makes us all notice each other, look at each other's bodies, and eventually my mom, my dad, and my older brother and I are all fucking each other in the sun by the lake.

I know some of this has kind of fucked me up? But also, when you're a kid things are just normal. And fortunately, maybe incredibly, no one ever touched me inappropriately in all that time, so it wasn't about that. What it has done is give me an incest kink, and an exhibitionist kink, and a voyeur kink, and probably a mess of other kinks! Which isn't the worst way in the world to work out one's psychosexual baggage, so there you go.
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by effinjeff1965 »

I don't remember thinking about my parents having sex until one night I woke up during the night and I heard a loud squeaking sound and loud pounding on the floor. I was a little disoriented so I lay in bed and listened and realized that the squeaking was my parents' bed springs and the pounding was the bed frame bouncing on the floor in my by folks' bedroom. My room was next to theirs and we left our doors open at night. I could hear snippets of conversation and the sound of my mom grunting and moaning as my dad thrust. My dad was breathing heavily enough for me to hear. I remember thinking, "Oh man, my folks are fucking!" I could hardly believe it. I'd been horny before, but that time the feeling overwhelmed me to the point that I honestly didn't know how to deal with those feelings. I started trying to visualize what they were doing and then wondered how I could simulate that. I thought, well, my dad's cock is going into my mom, so I cupped my fingers and stuck my cock into them and thrust into them and stroked. It didn't take long and I had an orgasm. Not long before that a buddy of mine had tried to teach me how to jack off, and I had no idea what he was talking about when he said you move your hand up and down on your dick until you got a neat feeling. But that night listening to my parents, when I had an orgasm, my first thought was THAT was the neat feeling my friend was talking about.
I didn't have access to porn or anything in those days, so my folks' active sex life became my porn and I jacked off while listening them to fuck many many times, and tried sometimes to watch.

After that first time, I jacked off so much I rubbed my dick raw and had to let it heal, but it soon got toughened up. I also forced myself to stay awake when I went to bed, so i would be awake to listen to my folks fuck. I started to learn their patterns and routines, so I could pretty accurately guess what nights they were going to fuck and which nights they would just go to sleep. I could also tell very clearly when my mom would cum since she was a loud moaner, but I could also tell from my dad's breathing when he was getting close and then I'd hear the bed squeaks speed up and I'd hear him exhale loudly and say things like, "Whew!" when he came. I would sometimes time my stroking so that I came at the same time he did, which was also easy to do because my mom's moans turned me on and they must have gotten my dad going too because he would usually cum pretty quickly after that.
They talked and laughed when they screwed, and I tried to hear what they were saying. I would catch snippets of it, which always turned me on more, but their squeaky bed usually drowned out most of their conversations. I tried the trick I had seen on TV of holding a glass to the wall and listening, but that didn't work. I would just press my ear against the wall, and that worked better, but usually the best was to lie in bed and hear them through our open doors.

I would imagine myself getting up and going into their room to watch, hoping they’d invite me to join them. I didn’t know what I’d do if that actually happened, but it turned me on like nobody’s business.
My family moved to a new town and a new house, and my room was no longer next door to theirs. They were on the main floor and my room was in the basement. The laundry room was directly below their room, and there was a clothes chute in their closet that opened into the laundry room, so I would go into the laundry room naked and jack off as I stood under the chute and listened to them fucking over my head.

One night I was hornier than usual and as I stroked in the laundry room, I was overcome by the desire to get closer so I could hear them better and maybe see them. I sneaked upstairs and went down the hall to their room. The door was open and they were still fucking loudly. The way their room was laid out, if you walked through the door, their closet was on the left so you could stand in the room and not be seen since the bed was around the corner. I was so horny that I got brave enough to step into their room where I could hear them perfectly. I was so turned on that I was shivering and my teeth started chattering. I leaned against the wall to steady myself. I slid my hands along the wall and put my fingers around the corner and pulled myself to the edge where I could peer around the corner into the main part of their room. It was dark, so I couldn’t see a lot, but my dad’s bare, white ass stood out in the darkness. They were fucking in the missionary position, so I mostly saw my dad’s back and butt as he humped my mom.

I was afraid they'd hear me, but in a messed up sort of way I kind of wanted them to so they could say, "Join us." I also worried that it would just freak them out to see me naked and hard jacking off while they fucked. I was breathing so hard and shaking so much that I was dancing in place a little, and I hit a squeak in the floor and I froze. I quickly let go of the wall and pulled back around the corner out of sight. I thought the floor squeak was loud, and they for sure had heard me, but they kept fucking. I was shaking so much, I actually lay face down on the floor so that I wouldn't dance on the squeak and they wouldn't hear me nearly hyperventilating.

I lay there and listened and humped the carpet with my hands under me as I replayed the image of my dad's butt pounding my mom, but then I worried that they'd finish and the room would grow quiet and then for sure they'd hear me and catch me naked in their room, so I got up and sneaked back downstairs and listened to them finish from the laundry room where I jerked off onto the pile of dirty laundry on the floor.
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by wingonwing »

Never caught 'em, never tried, but I did walk in once on my brother and his girlfriend. They laughed, I got the hell out of there.
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by Mickyy »

I never knew my parents did it, they worked different shifts and rarely had any time together other than passing.
When I was young, we had a playroom at the end of the upstairs hallway near my parents bedroom. I would often sit there when I was young, play with my toys and stare out the window and watch things outside. One Saturday afternoon when I was young (I won't say how old but PM me for more details) I heard something from down the hall that sounded odd. I walked towards the end of the hall and then realizedthere was a grunting noise coming from my parents bedroom.

It was one of those rare weekends when my parents were both home from work, and to my surprise, they were both naked and on the bed going away at it. I could plainly see my dad's ass going up and down on top of my mom, with her legs spread wide underneath. It took me a minute to see what was actually happening thru the crack in the door, as I had never seen anything like it before. At first I thought he was hurting her, from the way she was grunting in pain under him. Then I realized he was sticking something inside her to make her groan like that. I thought it was a third leg or something, I didn't really know what it was until it popped out and I then saw it was his cock. It looked huge and had veins all over it. Mine was tiny in comparison, but it started to get hard nonetheless.

The hole he was putting it into was big and hairy, and when he put it back in, my mom screamed again and looked right at me thru the crack in the door. My dad had his back to me, and he continued pumping away like nobody's business. I didn't miss a stroke and started to rub my own cock thru my pajamas, as I had never actually ever seen 'sex' until now. I was amazed, as I had never seen anything like this, and wondered what was actually going on and why they were doing it on a Saturday afternoon. I saw my dad's huge balls slapping my moms asshole, plain as day and kind of wondered that if it hurt so much why were they doing it?

Anyway, that was the first time I saw them doing it, I saw them again only a couple times after that. Things like that stay in your memory, and if anyone would like to continue sharing stories like this please PM me.
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by 1nsatiable »

Watched yes, but hear?! No, they used silent bed frames which is hard to detect even being right through the wall, my yonger brother who sleep badly even don't hear them
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by rogerwoger »

I remember staying with my aunt and uncle in Nottingham for a few weeks while my mother stayed and looked after a sick relative up in Scotland.

I don't actually remember my age but I was certainly young enough not to know about sex. I remember walking past their bedroom door early one Sunday morning to get to the bathroom, unusually the door was slightly open and I could hear strange sounds from inside the room. I had a great easy-going relationship with my aunt and uncle, they were a lovely couple and I normally would have just wandered into their room if I knew they were awake. However, on this occasion something told me not to do that, instead I looked though the crack of the door to see what was going on.

My aunt, a slightly plump lady in her early forties was kneeling on the bed with head resting on a pillow and her thick pink winceyette nightie pushed up around her waist. My uncle still had his pyjama top on but not the pyjama bottoms and was behind her, holding her hips and repeatedly pushing up against her bottom which she pushed up in the air. To my young eyes it was a bizarre but mesmerizing scene. I couldn’t see my aunt’s face as it was buried in the pillow but I could hear her quietly moaning. My uncle’s movements were starting to get faster and he also was starting to moan now, suddenly he pulled my aunts hips hard to him, froze and groaned with a faraway look on his face.

What I saw next puzzled and amazed me even more; my uncle released his grip on my aunt and sat back, his ‘willy’ (my word at the time for a penis) now clearly visible, was huge and standing upright, but it had some sort of covering on it and was wet and glistening. It was at this point I thought I had better move and go back to my bedroom. I had no idea what I had just witnessed but somehow something told me to keep this to myself. It played on my mind for sometime afterwards and I remember relating what I has seen to my friend Tim on the way to school some weeks after, I’m not sure whether he believed me but either way could he offer no explanation as to what was going on or what I had seen.
Last edited by rogerwoger on Sat Jul 09, 2022 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by trouble55 »

I walked in on my folks a few times when I was young... Didn't really see anything... My bedroom was next to their I used to occasionally hear them...it would turn me on.. they liked to fuck and go at it a bit ! My mum had a vibrator big black plastic thing with a chrome collar kept under her mattress, I used it to wank with a few times by holding it under the tip of my helmet... It was lush... Quiet often it was covered in dried juice from my mum's wet pussy.. I'd smell it.. naughty but it turned me on
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Re: voyeur bedroom

Post by rogerwoger »

About 5 weeks later after the first incident I was back staying with my aunt and uncle due to a deterioration in the health of the elderly relative, meaning my mother was back in Scotland again. I was curious to try and see this strange behaviour of my aunt and uncle again.

Despite various trips past the door to the bathroom early in the morning I was having no luck until early one Sunday morning again. I could hear faint groans has I tip toed down the hallway, I hoped the door was open and it was, well partly, just enough for me to view the bed through the crack of the door. The scene I witnessed was even more puzzling . . . my aunt was laying on the bed on her back with my uncle between her legs pushing up and down, once again he seemed to have kept his pyjama top on but not the pyjama bottoms. They were both moaning and groaning, why were they doing this if it caused them so much pain and discomfort I wondered. As I watched I could new see my uncle’s willy, it looked wet and glistened and somehow, he seemed to be pushing it in and out of somewhere between my aunt’s legs.

I desperately wanted to go in and ask them what they were doing but something held me back from doing this. As I watched my uncle’s movements seemed to be getting faster, my aunt had now wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, judging by the noises they were both making, both of them were in real pain. My uncle then gave a loud groan, froze and collapsed on top of my aunt, at this point I thought I better get back to my bedroom quick.

Once again this was the subject of a long discussion with my friend Tim, who thought maybe it was some sort of game they played. I also asked my mother what aunty June and uncle John were doing, I had only got halfway through my description of what I had seen and she already looked flustered and quickly changed the subject. I never saw them doing anything again and it was some years later before I found out just what it was that I had been watching.
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